
发布 2020-08-10 23:45:28 阅读 2952







) i speak to kitty?

) like a bottle of milk.

) your f**orite subject?

) about the long jump?

) the young women?


) i’m cathy. is cathy.

) a glass of water. b. a plate of beef

) he goes to school. b. he is a doctor.

) i take part in the boys’ 100 –meter race.

b. i took part in the boys’ 100 –meter race.

( )he is lazy. likes play football.


1.( how many meals do english people h**e a day ?

a、three b、four

2.( what do english people h**e for breakfast ?

a、sandwich and a cake b、eggs,bread and milk.

3 .(where do children h**e their lunch ?

a、at home b、at school

4 .(what time do they h**e afternoon tea?

a、at about 4:30 b、at about 4:00

5. (which is a big meal,lunch or dinner?

a、lunch b、dinner


一、选出每组中不同类的一项 (5分)

) washed b. played c. good d. cleaned

) b. friend c. kind d. serious

) 100-meter race b. long jump d. sports meeting

) sing song b. reporter c. pupil d. actor

) monday b. week c. sunday d. saturday


1. child (复数2. buy(过去式。

3. go(过去式比较级。

5. can not(缩写名词。



1 take part in2.留言。

3. be good for4. 发电子邮件。

5 h**e to6. 发短信。

7 make a phone call8一所希望小学。

9在。岁时10. be good at


to of with infrom

i speak __kitty?

2i would like a glasswater .

thin man___glasses.

took part___the 100-meter race and the long jump .

was behind a pupilclass three .


) you do __else ?

a. some

( )2.—can you send __e-mail to me? .

a. some .

) can play___football with my father.

a. the bc. with

( )4. you can play gamesthe mobile phone.

a. in b. on c. at

( )5is a glass of green tea? -ten yuan.

far b. how much many

)6.--kind of dumping would you like?

a. which b. where

)7the age of 18,i want to be a doctor.

a. )8.—jakie chan isactor.

a. a b. an c. the

)10.--did you play footballweekend ?

--yes , i did .

a. this b. last c. next


1. a edison scientist great is

2. to he basketball wants be player a

3. sport what did take he in part

4. man with the is father glasses my

5. like is she what


) is she like?

) did you do ?

) will you do tomorrow ?

) you go skating with lily ?

) is mike going to call ?

will h**e a holiday . i didn't .

played football . parents . is outgoing .


f**orite subject is math .(对划线部分提问)

you watch tv last night ?(做否定回答)

do my homework every day .(用he替换i)

played football yesterday .(对划线部分提问)

is clever .(对划线部分提问)


mike is a student .he likes tr**elling. he goes to many paces .

last weekend , he visited beijing . on saturday , he went to the great wall .he took many photos .

the next day , he did some shopping with his friends in beijing . he bought a pair of sunglasses . his friends bought many presents for him .

because it was his birthday that day . they had a big dinner . after that , they went to the cinema .

they all had a good time .

) is going to beijing .

) likes tr**elling .

) bought a pair of shoes .

) didn’t take any photos .


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