
发布 2020-08-08 06:15:28 阅读 7536















过去式 过去式 过去式。

原形 完整形式 完整形式

过去式 过去式 过去式。

过去式 副词 原形。

原形 过去式 反义词。

复数 过去式 过去式

过去式 过去式 反义词


)1. _did you go over the summer holiday? i went to hangzhou.

a, what b. where c. who

)2. amy __lots of pictures __john yesterday.

a, takes; with b. took; with c. took; and

)3. _you __lots of fresh food in xinjiang? no, i didn’t.

a.did; eat b. did; ate c. do; eat

)4. weto dalian by plane last year.

a.went b. go c. are going

)5i fell off my bike yesterday.

a.what do you do b. what’s happening happened

)6. imy bike last saturday.

a.fall off b. fell off c. feel off

)7. _the afternoon, mum __feel well.

a.in; don’t’ b. on; wasn’t c. in; didn’t

)8. icome to school yesterday.

a.don’t b. didn’t c. doesn’t

( )9. my parents took pictures __the beautiful countryside.

a.of b. off c. /

)10. how did youon foot.

a.go to there b. get to there c. go there

)11. sarahevery weekend on her summer holiday.

a.going swimming b. goes swimming c. went swimming

)12. _did you go to kunming with? my uncle and aunt.

a.who b. how c. where

)13you __to turpan? yes, we did.

a.do; go b. did; go c. did; went

)14. can i __your pictures?

a.saw b. look c. see


sgo)to the bookstore.

cold last night.

busy yesterday.

4. did johnplay)football last friday?

5. theynot take)pictures the day before yesterday.

6. theyto school by bus yesterday

today they willto school by bike.(go)

7. wevisit)my grandparents next weekend.

8. amysing) every evening.

listen!whosing) in the room?

9be) you fat before?

10. lilybreakfast at 7:10,but yesterday

shebreakfast at 6:50.(h**e).


what, you, did, on, do, your (?

till, august, be, they, ready (.

your, holiday, how, summer(?)

mule, it, like, looks(.)

you, did, go, turpan(?)

六、 我会句型转换。

1. he ate sweets for dinner last night. (改为否定句并肯定回答)

2. my mother had a cold yesterday. (就画线部分提问)

3. i did my homework last saturday. (改为一般疑问句)

4. what did john do last weekend? (用拍照回答)

your sister buy gifts yesterday?(否定回答)

often ride a bike.(用yesterday改写)


六年级下册第三单元。学业素质评价卷。一 看拼音,写词语。8分 p n y b nji m i gu sh zi du x ng zh n n ku ji y t 二 词语巧搭配。9分 壮志积劳而不 可支发号不 求 塞听暖风随 所 三 选词填空 5分 发现发明发育。1 九岁时,我 达尔文有关胚胎的规律...


一 在正确的读音上打 阁 go ge 域 hui yu 秉 cheng bing 衍 yan xin 嘱 shi zhu 疙 yi ge 筹 chou shou 镶 yang xiang 撮 chuo cuo 二 读字组词。衍 倡 镶 秉 屠 域 贮 瘩 剃 拆 澄 侮 籍 嘱 昙 锐 三 按要求写...


一 填空。25分 1根据除法的意义写算式。3除以它的倒数,商是 3 把3 7的前项加上6,要使比值不变,比的后项应扩大 倍。4 用分数表示下面各数。250千克 吨650平方米 公顷50厘米 米2小时45分 时 米 0.6千米的最简整数比是 比值是 6 5 6 15 860 填小数 7 在 里填上 或...