
发布 2020-08-07 05:02:28 阅读 9492



)1. tablevegetable

)2. peoplepupil

)3. animalfestival

)4. applepurple

)5. modeldouble


1do)he do long jump last week?

2. we cansee)skating at winter olympics

3. jack is good at running. herun)in the playground yesterday.

4. tokyo willhold)the 2020 olympic games.

5. my auntlike)playing volleyball(排球).

she hopes to watch a live volleyball game.


)1. there are five ringsthe olympic flag.

a. atb. onc. in

)2. did youa film last friday?

a. watch b. watching c. watched

)3. please tellsomething about animals.

a. ib. mec. my

)4. let’sbasketball together.

a playb. playing c. played

)5. the gameson august 8, 2008.

a beginb. begins c. began


)1. my brother is the winner of high jump.

)2. this is our national flag.

)3. i watched a football match on

tv with my parents last night.

)4. we will h**e a 100-meter

running race tomorrow.

)5. badminton(毛球) is one of the

games at olympics.


peter: (1your f**orite sport, mike ?

mike: swimming. i can swim (2

peter: really?

mike: yes. of course.

peter: do you like to (3the olympic games ?

mike: yes. i like watching the swimming race.

peter: do you know sun yang?

mike: yes. he’s great.

he swims fast. he(4many gold medals at the olympic games. can you swim, peter?

peter: no, i(5but i will learn it. i hope i can swim as fast as sun yang one day.


do you know the asian games? they are the largest comprehensive① games in asia. they take place every four years.

did you watch the 2018 jakarta asian games②?it was very wonderful. many chinese athletes got good marks in this asian games.

sprinter③ su bingtian won a gold medal in the men's 100-meter race. he finished his run in 9.92 seconds④.

and sun yang won all gold medals from 200m, 400m, 800m and 1500m freestyle⑤ in jakarta. we were so proud of them.

the next asian games will be held in hangzhou, china in 2022. hangzhou will be the third chinese city to hold the asian games. let’s look forward to⑥ it。

comprehensive 综含性的

the 2018 jakarta asian games 2024年雅加达亚运会。

sprinter 短跑运动员second 秒freestyle 自由泳。

look forward to 期待。

)1. the asian games take place every years.

a. twob. threec. four

)2. the jakarta asian games was held in .


)3. su bingtian was the winner of the race.

a. 100-meter b. 200-meter c 400-meter

)4. sun yang won gold medals at the asian games.

a. threeb. fourc. five

)5will hold the 2022 asian games.

a. hangzhou b. fuzhou c. guangzhou





云陵中心小学六年级英语练习卷 三 classnamenoscore 一。给下列 选择正确的单词。d.phone i.monkey 二 把下列中文与英文意思相对应的连上线。铅笔盒 presentcarrot雨伞。礼物zooumbrella胡萝卜。动物园 eyenoodles桃子。眼睛pencil bo...


2012 2013 上 六年级复习教案。安排4课时 闽教版第7册六年级复习教案 第一课时 review 1 一 warm ugreeting 2.课件复习音素表和开,闭音节 并做相关练习。二 复习过去时和一般现在时。1.复习过去时。2.复习动词的过去式,结合书本p105 的不规则动词的过去式,补充一...


unit 3 1.单词。1带来过去式 2篮子篮球。3玻璃杯,眼镜复数 4糖果。5坏的。6牙齿复数 7保持过去式 8身体。9食物。10菜单。11美味的。12任何的 任何一个。13问题。14色拉。15饺子。16汉堡。17面条。18米饭。19热狗。20蔬菜。21蔬菜沙拉。22鱼。23鸡蛋。24水果。25橘...