
发布 2020-08-01 01:12:28 阅读 4573



一、 根据所给单词选出汉语意思(10分)

)1. usually a.通常b.有时c.总是( )2. safe a.安全b.安全的c.小心地。

)3. your a.你的 b.你们 c.你 ( 4. house a.房子 b.小时 c.公寓。

)5. driver a.驾驶 b.司机 c.开汽车( )a.晚饭b.午饭 c.早饭。

)7. chair a.椅子 b.

触摸 c.沙发椅( )a.浴室b.

淋浴c.浴缸( )9. vegetable a.

白菜 b.蔬菜 c.洋葱( )10.

write a.听 b.说 c.




复数)__宾格)__9. dress( 复数。

序数词) 现在分词)__not(缩略形式)__



19.一把雨伞( 英语20. class( 复数 )


) front of a. 在---前面 b.在---中间 c. 在---后面。

) a letter a. 写作文 b. 写故事 c. 写信。

) my bike a. 骑自行车 b.骑我的自行车 c. 骑车。

) careful a.小心,当心 b.不同的 c. 向外看。

) seat belts a.安全带b.系上安全带c.带子。


1.打牌2. 放风筝3.多少节课。

4.起床___5.在学校 for __

8.公交司机9.当心、小心 to school __


)1. it is time __breakfast . a. at b. for c. on d. in

)2. he __to go to school by bus .

a. want b. wants c. wanted d. wanting

)3. there are some __in the fridge .

a. apple b. tomato c. tomatoes d. potato

)4. li mingto go to school in canada .

a. want b. wants c. wanting d. wanted

)5. jenny and i __in canada .

a. live b. lives c. living d. liveing

)6. i can help my motherthe house .

a. clean b. cleans d. cleaning

)7. he goes home __5:00 . a. in b. at c. of d. for

)8. sometimes i go to school __bike .

a. ride b. by c. on d. in

)9. let’san n for never .

put c. puts d. putting

)10. _classes do you h**e each school day ?

a. how many b. how much c. how many d. what

)11. we h**e lunch

a. at school b. in school c. at the school d. in the school

)12subjects do you h**e on tuesday ?

b. when c. where d. what

)13. today is the __day of school .

a. one b. two c. first d. three

)14. these area. man b. mans c. men d. woman

)15. hea science lesson .

a. teach b. teaches c. teaching

) 16are you from ? i am from china .

b. when c. where d. what

) like to talk . d. doesn’t

) live too __my school . from awaw. d. from

)19. today is


first ) always h**e my umbrellaa rainy day .

d. to五、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)

) today .

iswash) her hand in the bathroom .

flowers are very beautiful . i likethey ) very much .

bought a gift forhe )

) games .

) do you h**e on tuesday ?

are manypotato) .

hong alwayswatch) tv.

___be) four bedrooms and a study on the second floor .

people like to useknife ) and forks.

六、用介词in, at , for, from , to, of , on,by,with填空。(10分)

and mike don’t go to schoolsaturday .

live too farmy school .

put an aalways .

you always go to school __bus ?

waters his flowersten twenty .

playingmy toys in my bedrooms .

and bob arefront of them .

only ate an applelunch .

h**e lunchschool .

is sending an emailhis friend .


2014 2015学年度第一学期六年级英语。练习题unit3 全卷共4页,答卷时间40分钟,满分100分,听力占50分,笔试占50分 听力部分。一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。本题共10分 1 a.cake c.head 2.a.weather b.father c.sweater 3.a.h...


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六年级上册语文期中复习试题 复习卷一 沪教版

上海市东华大学附属实验学校。班级姓名学号。第一部分阅读 60分 一 文言文阅读 25分 一 默写并根据要求填空 10分 1 1 复恐匆匆说不尽。2山色空蒙雨亦奇。3 可怜九月初三夜。4 嫦娥应悔偷灵药。5 望岳 表达作者不怕困难,勇于攀登的诗句是。1 答案 行人临发又开封。2 水光潋滟晴方好。3 露...