学年六年级英语上学期期末测试卷 A卷,无答案

发布 2020-07-31 02:38:28 阅读 4427


60分)一、 请在四线格内抄写下面一段话,注意书写要正确、规范、美观。(5分)

i’m happy! i’ve got a new pen friend. here is an email for him and now i can press“send”.


) you tell me more___the great wall? a. than b. about c. of

) 2. all of these stampschina. a .is from b. are from c. are in

) 3interesting ***! a. what a b. what an c. how a

) fathera chinese kite. a. h**e got b. has get c. has got

) 5. please __quiet in the library! a. is b. am c. be

) knife and fork is not difficult __chinese people. a. to b. from c. for

) to go shopping now. a. wants b. wanting c. want

) 8. i love __photos. a. takeing b. take to c. taking

) you do __i can do? a. what b. /c. it

)10. i h**e got a book about __us. a. /b. the c. an


) 1. what’s your hobbya. in the east of china.

) the west lakeb. no, i don’t.

) 3. h**e you got any stamps from japan? c. my grandma.

) 4. do you often clean your roomd. reading books.

) took this photo for youe. yes, i h**e.

四补全对话,从方框中选出恰当的句子完成对话,并将答案序号写在相应空白处 (10分)


simon: to the library. do you want to go?

daming: yes, of course.

in the library)

daming: here’s the book.

simondaming: i’m so sorry.

simon: here’s my library card.


simon: oh,sorry.


simon: a book and a cd. it’s learn chinese in four weeks.


simon: but you can help me.


1. visit you un to building want the do (?

2. it don’t i believe (!

3. is festival thanksgiving f**ourite my (.

4. chinese is dancing there (.

5. stamp got china from h**e i a (.


dear laura,

i’m happy to receive (收到)your letter. daming has told me about you on the phone

daming is my good friend. and he used to teach me chinese. he likes to collect stamps.

i h**e lived in china for two years . now chopsticks is not difficult for me. i often miss english tea.

i also miss my english friends .


) 1. the letter is from daming.

) 2. daming helped amy to learn chinese.

( )3. collecting stamps is daming’s hobby.

) 4. amy has lived in china one years.

( )5. chopsticks is difficult for amy now.


simon:what a bigof america(美国).

where is the new york?

daming: it’s in the east.

simon: that’s正确的). we often使飘扬)

flag on flag day. and we watchgame and

eatafter the meal on thanksgiving day.

学年六年级英语上学期期末测试卷 A卷,无答案

2014 2015学年六年级英语上学期期末测试卷。60分 一 请在四线格内抄写下面一段话,注意书写要正确 规范 美观。5分 i m happy i ve got a new pen friend.here is an email for him and now i can press send 二单...

六年级英语上学期期末测试卷 试卷

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学年六年级语文上学期期末测试卷 A卷

六年级语文期末试卷a卷。一 语文积累与基本技能。34分 1.抄写下面一段话,力求写的匀称 美观。5分 勤读报,会读报,你就会和大千世界息息相通。这样的好习惯,我们从小就应该养成。2 根据语境或要求,在横线上填写恰当的四字词语 6分 1 夏洛蒂三姐妹地写作着,很快她们就震动了世界文坛。2 请写两个与戏...