六年级英语上册练习题 冀教版

发布 2020-07-30 11:03:28 阅读 7855


bus(复数) stand(反义词slow(反义词man(复数let’s(完整形式do(过去式。

small(反义词hot(反义词meet(同音词inside(反义词children (单数live(现在分词。

do not (缩写形式) isn’t (完整形式) dish(复数。





yesterday tomorrow usually) john is going to visit us.

yesterday tomorrow usually) danny ate soup for lunch.

yesterday tomorrow usually) i clean the house.

yesterday tomorrow usually) we go to school by bus.

yesterday tomorrow usually) i worked hard at school.

yesterday tomorrow usually)we are going to open our gifts.


1. this is book and that is .

a. mine , your . b. mine , yours c. my , your d . my , yours

2. today is rainy . i’m going to h**e my .

a . coat b . boots c . skirt d . shorts

3. i often go to school car.

a. in b. onc. byd. at

4. i like to ski on the .

a. ice b. snow c. water d. street

5. it’s time lunch .

a. to b. for c. ind. with

6. the plane arrived shanghai.

a. at b. toc. for d. in

7. let's eggs on the stove .

a. cook b. make c. wash d. cake

8. don’t your boots and umbrella .

a. like b. putc. forgot d. forget

9. this is a map china.

a. with b. inc. of d. on

10. this apple is than that one .

a. bigger b. biger c. small d. big

五。 连线。

1. what time is ita. nice to meet you .

2. where are you fromb. it’s seven o’clock .

3. what would you like for lunchc. i’m from china .

4. did you h**e a good tripd. i’d like noodles .

5. nice to meet youe. sure .


1. temperature, is, today, what, the (?

2. to, go, to, time, is, it, school (.

3. this, a, line, is, a, ********, or (?

4. english, dose, in, speak, your, everyone, family(?)

5. shape, f**ourite, my, circle, is (.

八。 阅读短文, 判断正(t)误(f)

my name’s li jie. i’m a primary school (小学) student. i am studying in she yang primary school.

my school isn’t big, but i like it very much.. in my school, there are fifty-four classes. there are about sixty students in every class.

we h**e many teachers. i’m in class 5, grade 6. in my classroom, there are thirty desks and sixty chairs.

there’s a map of china and a map of the world (世界) on the wall.

i love my school because our teachers are very friendly to us.

( )1. i study in a very big school.

( )2. i love my school because it’s she yang primary school.

( )3. there are eighteen classes in our school.

( )4. there are 30 desks and 60 chairs in my classroom.

( )5. there are two maps in my classroom.


1. m _k_ (制作 2. d _y (擦干,干的) 马桶 4.

c l_ _n (干净的) 5. d _ r t_ (脏的 ) 炉灶) 7. s_ _k ( 水池 ) 8.

m i _e (我的)


1.dish (复数形式现在分词。

3. go (单三形式 (副词形式。


) would you likebreakfast?

a. to b . forc. at

( )iseggs on the stove.

a. cooking b. cooks c. cook

( )3time is it ?

a. where b. howc. what

( )green toothbrush is

a. my b .mine c .me

( )needmy hand


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