
发布 2020-07-29 11:31:28 阅读 5724



aa bb cc eehh iill mm

nn oo ppss tt vv wwzz



) canada d. beijing

) north d. south

) panda d. sandwich

) three d. fifty

) nurse d. noodles


1. p_stc_rd(明信片) 2. m_s_(思念) 3. s_m_t_m_s(有时)

4. s_ _r_(广场) _lly(真的) 另一个)

7. s_ _nd(听起来) 8. r_c_(比赛) 9. _ddr_ss(地址)

10. a_str_l_ _澳大利亚)




5、集邮6、lantern festival

7、happy thanksgiving8、of course

men and women

10、please be my pen friend


一)、选择正确答案,将其序号填在括号里。( 30分)

) 1、h**e you got stamps from china?

a 、some b、any c、 /

) 2、how is the great wall?

a、big b、long c、tall

) 3、this one has got a picture the west lake on it.

a、off b、 for c、 of

) 4、tell me about beijing.

a、more b、many c、much

) 5、there a chinatown in new york. there lots

of chinese shops there.

a、is , are b、is, is c、are, are

) 6、 is my hobby.

a、riding bike b、ride bikes c、 riding bikes

) 7、 mexico is the south america.

a、 in, of b、 on, of c、 at, in

) 8、these postcards great!

a. is b. am c. are

) 9、 it’s eight million people.

a、got b、get c、 gets

) 10、 go to chinatown now.

、let us b、 let is c、 let has

)11、these are some stamps china.

a、to b、of c、from

)12、we say“thank you” our food, family and friends.

a、 of b、 to c、for

) 13、we carry flags and we sing songs flag day.

a、 at b、on c、 in

) 14、 he is china ,he is a chinese.

a、 to b、 at c、 from

) 15、he can play violin.

a. a b. an c. the


( )1、where is new york? a、 i’m watching tv .

( )2、what are you doing? b、 it’s in the east of america.

)3、are you a teacher? c、thanksgiving is my f**ourite festival.

)4、is there a letter for me? d、no, i’m not.

)5、what’s your f**ourite festival? e、yes, there is.



a. you do miss china. b. you miss china.

( )2、中国有许多自行车。

are lot of bicycles in china. .

b. there are lots of bicycles in china.


a. are you want to go to the park ?

b. do you want to go to the park ?


h**e got a hobbyb. i has got a hobby.


a. we can't going nowb. we can't go now.


in america, january 1 starts the new year. in china, spring festival is in january or february. in the united states, people go to parties on new year’s eve.

on new year’s day, many people stay at home. in china, it’s the opposite(相反的). people stay at home and watch tv on new year’s eve.

on new year’s day, people visit family and friends(亲戚).


)1、in america, january or february starts the new year

)2、in china, spring festival is in january or february.

)3、in america, on new year’s eve, many people stay at home.

)4、in china, people stay at home and watch tv on new year’s eve. (5、in china, people go to parties on new year’s eve.


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