
发布 2020-07-26 11:59:28 阅读 1078



)1 a tall b tail c taller d than

)2 a think b thin c thinner d sperm

)3 a更强壮的 b 更年轻的

c更长的 d更瘦的。

)4 a 更强壮的 b更重的 c更小 d更瘦的。

)5 a big b bigger c shorter d shorter


)1 a i’m 160 cm tall. b i’m 160 kg tall.

c i’m 160meters tall.

)2 a i’m 48 cm. b i’m 48 kg. c i’m 48 g.

)3 a she is 10 years old. b she has long hair. c she is thin.

)4 a i like the yellow one. b yes, i like.

c no, i don’t.

)5 a i’m thinner than you. b i wear size 16. c i’m stronger than you.


1 howare you? 2 i amthan my sister.

3 you areandthan me.

4 my pencil is 5cmthan yours.

5 how __are your legs?

笔试部分。一、 写单词。



二、 按要求写词。

tall(反义词strong (比较级。

older (反义词funnier(原形。

he**y (比较级thin(比较级。


三、 填空。

1 she istall) than me.

2 howhe**y) are you?

3 my hands arebig) than yours.

4 howbig) are your feet?

5 she is 2 yearsold) than me.

四、选择。 )1 how __are you? i’m 40 kg.

a much b he**y c many

)2 how __is tom? he is 160 cm tall.

a he**y b tall c big

)3 __monkey is stronger? the brown monkey is stronger. a what b who c which

)4___is he**ier than you? tom is he**ier than me. a which b what c who

)5 my brother is __than me.

a he**y b he**ier c he**yer

)6 my arms __longer than yours.

a am b is c are


) 1. how he**y are you

) 2. how tall are you

) 3. how old are you

) 4. what size are your shoes?

) 5. how long are your bed?

a. they are size 39. b. i’m 15 years old.

c. i’m 45 kg. d. i’m 158cm tall. e. it is 200cm.


my name is john. i am 12 years old. i am 160 cm tall.

i am 48kg. i h**e a brother, his name is jack. he is 12 years old, too.

he is taller than mw. he is 50kg. he is stronger than me.

)1 jack is older than me.

)2 jack is he**ier than john.

)3jack is shorter than john.

)4 john is 48kg.

) jack is shorter than john.

mary, jane and may are very good friends. mary is shorter than may, may is he**ier than jane. jane is thinner than mary.

how old are they? mary is 7 years old. jane is 12 years old and may is 9 years old.

they study at qinglan primary school. mary likes english, jane likes math and may likes music. they all study hard.

) are 3 children in the story.

) 2. mary is shorter than may.

) is he**ier than jane.

) 4. jane is the youngest.

) 5. they are all good friends.

八、 情景会话:根据情景选择句子。

)1. 汤姆是160厘米高,塞拉是157厘米高, 可以说: is taller than sarah.

is shorter than sarah. is 3cm shorter than sarah.

)2. 百灵比迈克大两岁,可以说:

ling is 2 kg he**ier than mike.

b. bai ling is two years bigger than mike.

c. bai ling is two years older than mike .

)3. 约翰有45公斤, 迈克有50公斤, 我们不能说:a. mike is stronger than john.

b. mike is thinner than john.

c. mike is 5kg he**ier than john.

)4. liuyun’s hair is 18 cm .

chen jie’s hair is 4 cm shorter than liu yun’s.

how long is chen jie’s hair?

a. 14 cm b. 15 cm c. 16cm

)5. amy wear size 18. zhang peng wear size 16 .

whose feet are bigger?

a. amy’s feet are bigger.

peng’s feet are bigger.

c. their feet are same.


姓名:a 一、写出下列单词。



二、填空。1 howtall) are you?

2 i amshort) than my brother.

3 you are 4cmtall) than me.

4 the brown monkey isstrong) than the yellow one.

5 the little monkey isfunny) than the yellow one.

三、选择。 )1 __tall are you?

a who b how c which

)2 i am __than you.

a tall b short c older

)3 i am __taller than you.

a one year b 3cm c 2kg

)4 how tall are you? _

a i’m 12 years old. b i’m 164cm. c i’m 50kg.

)5 how long is __tail? a it b it’s c is




二、填空。1 i’mtall) andhe**y) than you.


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