
发布 2020-07-24 16:16:28 阅读 6339


units 4-5)


一、 写出下列单词的-ing形式和第三人称单数形式。(12分)






( )1、a、cinema b、 post officer c、postman

( )2、a、evening b、 businessman c、next week

)3、a、science b、 scientist c、worker

)4、a、fishman b、planec、police officer

)5. a. play football b. collect stamps c. clean the room


)1elephant’s trunk is long.


) 2. we shouldyour homework first.

a. dob. doesc. doing

)3.he likespictures.

a.draw b.drawsc.drawing

)4.he sells things.he is a

a.writer b.salespersonc.cleaner

)5.—does bill live in australia? —no,he

a.isn’t b.doesn’t c.don’t

)6.hein a bank.


)7.i like swimming.whatyou?


)8.grandpa usuallyin the park every day.

a.runb.runsc.is running

) uncle is a works___a boat.

a. at b. onc. in

)10. (1. tom’s mother is___actress.

a. a c.不填

四、情景选择。根据下面的情景,选择恰当的选项( 18分)

( )1. 当你询问朋友他的妈妈是否教英语时,应该问:

a. does your mother teach english ?

b. does your mother like english ?

does your mother do?

) 2. 当你询问朋友是否喜欢集邮时,应该问:

a. are you collecting stamps

b. do you like collecting stamps ?

is your hobby?


a.what are you?

b.what’s your hobby?

c.what would you like?


a.may i speak to sam,please?

b.are you sam?

c.i want to talk to sam.


a.where is your father

b.what does your father do?

c.how is your father?


a.let’s watch tv.

b.where is the tv?

c.what’s on tv?



2.helping people,she,does,enjoy(?)

father, what, your, do (?

4 .does , father, where, work, your (?

5 .does , he, how, work, to, go (?


)1、where does tom worka、she’s a head teacher.

2、what does your mother dob、yes, she does.

)3、how does he go to workc、he works at a sea.

)4、does she like going hikingd、he’s a fisherman.

)5、what does your father do? e、 he goes to work by bike


mike is a student.he gets up at 6:30.he has breakfast at 7 and then he goes to school.he goes to school on his bike.he gets to school early.he has four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.he is good at english and maths.he will go singhtseeing(观光)this summer holiday.he will visit the north of china.he will be there for ten days.he will be there for ten days.he will be back before beginning of the school.

)1.mike has breakfast before 6:30.

)2.mike goes to school by bike.

)3.mike has six lessons all day.

)4.mike will be in the north of china for ten days.

)5.mike will come back to school after the summer holiday.


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