
发布 2020-07-22 18:27:28 阅读 3297




1. twofamily) live in this building.3.

i can see apoliceman) standing near the door.4. there are someglass) on the table.

5. would you like somebread)?8.

do you want somepotato) for supper?9. he has twowatch).

one is old, the other is new.10. in autumn, you can see a lot ofleaf) on the ground.

11. i h**e twoknife).12.

there are manybox) here.13. there are manybus) on the road.

14. thechild) are playing football now.15.

please take twophoto) for me.二、选择下列正确的单词或词组,在正确的单词下打“√”

1. do you drink much (milk / milks)?2.

i visited (tom / tom’s) house yesterday.3. he had two (cup / cups) of tea.

4. this is (tom and mary’s / tom’s and mary’s) house.5.

give me (a piece of / a) *****, please.6. i don’t want (a / an) old cap.

7. look at those (sheep / sheeps).8.

how many (radioes / radios) can you se?9. there are 36 (boys / boies) in my class.

10. those are some new (knifes / knives).三、将下列句子改为复数形式。

1. this is a knife2. that is a tomato3.

i h**e a wish4. that child is very lovely5. an englishman stood there四、单项选择。

1. would you give me __please?a.

two *****sb. two piece of *****c. wo pieces of ***** d.

two pieces of *****s(

2. there are three __and seven __in the monkeys; shees b. monkeys; sheepc.

monkeies; sheepd. monkeies; sheeps(

3. a lot of __are talking with two __a. germans; frenchmans b.

german; frenchmansc. german; frenchmen d. germans; frenchmen(

4. _people went out to see what had thousands ofb. three thousand ofc.

thousand ofd. three thousands【素材积累】



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