
发布 2020-07-21 13:41:28 阅读 1663




(共汽车) _spital (医院 ) 3 .g__m (健身房)

4. sl__de (滑梯) 5. libr__ry (读书馆) 6. flow__rs (鲜花)

( 睡觉) 8. b__iding(建筑楼) (跳跳板)

10. u__e (使用)

二。 要求书写正确而优美。得抄写下列句子。 (共10分)

1. what about some beautiful flowers?

what present shall we send her?

! may i speak to li-shan , please ?

there any children under the tree ?

many books are there on the desk ?

三。根据单词汉语意思画出其表示的简笔图。 (共12分)


a. just a moment ,please1.请汤母接**,好吗?

b. where are they2.它在办公楼旁边。

c. may i speak to tom, please3. 请跟我来!

d, it’s next to the office buiding. 4.他们在哪儿?

e. my room is very nice! 5.。我可以使用一下**吗?

f. follow me , please6. 请稍等!

g. may i use the telephone7. 我的房间很漂亮。


flowers are在.。。中间)the garden.(花园)

is a pencil在。。。里面) the pencil-box .

boys are在。。。底下)the old tree.

box is __在。。。上面)the water.

5. the children are __在。。。后面)the wall.(墙)

school is __在。。。旁边/隔壁)the gym.

boy is __在。。。前面)the house. (房子)


)1、在**中,”this is mary” 的正确译法是:



are youb. who is that ?

)3.“i bought a new cd . 的正确译法是:

a.我借了一盘新cd。b。 我卖了一盘新cd。

)4.“my mother is doing some washing. ”的正确译法是:



a. i come here . b. i am coming soon .

)6.may i come in ?

a. yes , please ! b. it’s over there .

) will you ring up ?

a. i don’t know ! b. my grandfather .

) are really a nice boy !

am not. b. thank you!

) is teachers’ day . let’s send a present to our teacher?

idea ! b. hi ! this is good..

)10. -see you tomorrow!

you ! b. that’s ok!

) are linda and mary?

is on the slide. b. they are on the seesaw.

)12where is the library ?

a. thank you ! b. excuse me , is mary ?

is under the tree . b. she is in the pencil-box.

) the desk , there is --

a. a big treeb. a beautiful vase .

) we take a bus ?

a .no , it isn’t far .b. no , it is very far .


班级姓名分数 温馨提示 六年级的同学们,辛苦学习了一段时间的英语,相信你们一定收获了许多。做一个深呼吸,将累累的硕果记录在这张试卷上吧,你会惊奇的发现你有多棒,赶快动起笔来吧!认真答卷,卷面要干净整洁呦,祝你成功!一 请默写从ff 至oo之间的字母。共10分 二 找出正确的单词抄写在横线上。10分。...


江城民小2013 2014学年六年级英语上学期期末测试卷。班级姓名等级。听力部分 50分 一 听音,选择。根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的一项,并将其字母编号写在题前的括号里。10分 2.a.b.3 a.stopb.go 4.a.on footb.by bike 5.a next week b.th...


pep小学英语六年级上册期中测试卷。听力部分。四 listen and fill 听录音,填写下列所缺的字母或单词,使其完整,每空一字母或一单词。每小题读两遍。每空0.5分,共8分 a 填入所缺的字母 1.at 2.ot 3.t n 4.ze t 5.etch 6.ut 7.li8.s t b 填入...