单词竞赛四年级 09 10下

发布 2020-05-29 21:49:28 阅读 9596





) 1. rula. arb. erc. ur

) 2. lista. anb. enc. or

) 3. _ting a. eeb. eac. ie

) 4. sh__ t a. erb. urc. ou

) 5. hosp __tal a. ab. ec. i

) 6. w __nt a. eb. ic. a

) 7. wind__ a. owb. oec. eo

) 8. h __v __a. a,e b. a,ic. i,e

) 9. t__ cher a. cab. eac. ia

)10. t__ w __l a. a,e b. o,ec. e,u

二。用下面括号里的词填空,使句子通顺。( 14分,每小题2分)

thinking, theirs, open, go, restaurant, office, ******)

1your eyes.

2. whose bag is this? it’s

3. do you likemodel? yes, i do.

4. what are you doing? i’m

5. where are they going? they’re going to the

ito the zoo? sure.

7. what does he do? he’s anworker.


1. 你想问同学这是不是他的毛巾,可以问同学:

a. are these your towelsb. is this your towel?

c. are these your towel?

2. 你跟妈妈捉迷藏,想叫妈妈闭上眼睛,可以说:

a. open your mouthb. close your eyes.

c. touch your eyes.

3. 你想知道jenny是否喜欢玩电子游戏,可以问她:

a. do you like a puzzle, jenny? b. do you want to play video games, jenny?

c. what subjects do you like, jenny?

4. 你想问妈妈是否可以玩智力拼图,应问:

a. what do you want to dob. can i do a puzzle?

c. do you want to make a snowman?

5. 你想成为一名消防队员,可以告诉爸爸:

a. i want to be a doctorb. i want to be a fire fighter.

c. i want to be a nurse.

6. 你是玩具店售货员,想问顾客是否想一双拖鞋,可以问:

a. do you like a underwear? b. do you want a handkerchief?

c. do you want slippers?

7. 你表妹给你打**,妈妈接**后对她说你在给植物浇水,会说:

a. he’s watering the plants. he’s busy. b. she’s washing the clothes.

c. i’m watering the plants. i’m busy.

8. 你想知道一本没写姓名的练习本是谁的,可以问:

a. is this your exercise book? b. whose exercise book is this?

c. this is your exercise book.

9. 你想知道你的好朋友长大后想当什么,你会问:

a. what do you want to dob. what do you do?

c. what do you want to be?

10. 你看见妈妈要出门了,你想知道她要去**,你会问:

a. are you going to the park? b. where are you going?

c. where is she going?


1.( whose mony is this? it’s

a. herb.

2yes, they are.

a. where’s she goingb. where are they going?

c. are they going to the shopping mall

3.( what do you like doing? i like

a. make models b. watches tvc. riding my scooter.

4.( do you want to be a doctor

a. yes, i amb. no, she doesn’t. c. yes, i do.

5.( what timeyou eat dinner7:00..

a. do / atb. does / it’sc. are / at

6. it’s 7:20. it’s time to

a. goes to school b. going to school c. go to school

7your friend washing the clothes? no, she

a. do / don’tb. is / isn’tc. does / doesn’t

8. what are you doing? i ambasketball.

a. playsb. playingc. play


model 1 : these are tony’s keys.



model 2: what time do you go to school? i go to school at 7:00.

they, take a walk)

she, do the dishes)

model 3: does he want to be a teacher? yes, he does.

she, nurse)

you, office worker)

六。按照实际情况回答问题: (16分,每小题2分)

1. are you exercising

2. what’s your friend doing

3. where is your brother going

4. what time is it


竹溪县思源实验学校四年级英语单词竞赛试题。班级姓名分数。总分 100分。学生学习工具。一 请将下列单词和短语翻译成英语 每个0.5分,共70分 钢笔铅笔铅笔盒尺子。橡皮蜡笔书书包。卷笔刀 学校头脸。鼻子嘴眼睛耳朵。胳膊手指腿脚。身体红色黄色蓝色。黑色橙色粉色棕色猫狗猴子熊猫。兔子鸭子猪鸟。熊大象老鼠...


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