
发布 2020-05-29 20:53:28 阅读 5085




一. 读一读,选出不同类的单词。(10分)

)1. a. happy b. sad c. tired d. h**e

)2. a. web. hisc. herd. my

)3. a. ride b. flyc. skate d. friend

)4. a. classmate b. friend c. brother d. sit

)5. a. good b. morning c. afternoon d. evening

二. 读一读,根据首字母提示补全单词。(10分)

1. lily has three new cthey are amy, tom and lisa.

2. lily wants to drink some water. she is t

3. mr green and mrs green are peter’s g

4. look. your bike is old but my bike is n___

5. lily has a pink d___

三. 圈出正确的单词。(10分)

1. –please sit / stand down, grandpa. –thank you.

2. the bottle is tall and thin. the bird can’t eat / drink the water.

3. he has a / an orange t-shirt and a pair of / on blue shorts.

4. peter has / h**e a rabbit. it is/ are white.

5. i don’t h**e any / some sisters.

四. 读一读,选择正确的答案。(30分)

)1you h**e any cousins? -yes, i h**e a cousin.

a. do b. are c. is

)2. i h**e two aunts. what __you?

a. of b. about c. to

)3. tom is my friend. he is tall___thin.

a. and b. or c. but

)4. the mouse has sharp teeth. he canthe lion.

a. help b. is c. get out

)5. i can’t find my new pencil. i am __

a. happy b. thirsty c. sad

)6. my father can ride a bikehe can’t drive a car.

a. but b. for c. and

) morning. welcomeour school.

a. of b. to c. at

)8. helloam a boyname’s peter.

a. i, my b. my, i me

)9. look. _is my unclename is d**id.

a. he, his b. his, he c. you, your

)10. -what can you do ? i can __

a. dancing b. dance c. dances

)11some biscuits, please. –thank you.

a. drink b. look c. h**e

)12.—look at my bike. it’s broken(坏了的).i ’m sad

a. i am sorry. it’s too bad. am happy. c. i like your bike.

) evening. welcome __super show.

a. but b. to c. of

) is my friend. he is tall___thin.

a. and b .or c. but

) has a pair of green __

a. skirt b. dress c. shorts

五. 读一读,用下列句中划线部分单词的反义词填空。(10分)

1. i am sad but my sister is

2. –are youno, i am very hungry.

3. my grandfather is very old. my brother is

4. sally’s sister is tall, but sally is

5. lily has a big bag, i h**e abag.

六. 根据情景描述,选择正确答案。(20分)

)1.你想问: peter会做什么?可以说:

a: what can peter do? b. what can he do? c. can you hop?


a. supergirl can fly high. b. supergirl can run fast. c. i can run.


a. are you hungry? b. i am hungryc. are you thirsty?


a. i am sorry. it’s too bad. b. it’s okc. i am happy.

)5.你第一次见到 betty,你应该对她说:

a. see youb. i am bettyc. how do you do?

)6.你想问 peter多大?可以说:

a. how is peter? b. how do you do? c. how old is peter?


a:do you like your uncle? b. do you h**e any uncles ?

c. do you h**e a pen?


are welcome. b. thank you, mum. c. ok.

)9. 你想介绍自己的妹妹时,你会怎么说:

is my sister. b. she is my sister. c. i like my sister.

)10. 当某人遇到不好的事情时,人们通常会说:

you. b. i am sorry to hear that. c. i am so happy.


1. name, sally, is , her (.

2. big , strong, and, is, the, lion (.

3. he ,is, your, brother (?

do, you, cousins, h**e (?

he, is, my(.)


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