
发布 2020-05-27 17:54:28 阅读 6471





. 听句子选择最佳应答语。每个句子读两遍(5分)

( )1. a. good morning! b. good afternoon! c. good evening!

( )2. a. i’m fine, thanks! b. hello! c. it’s a key.

( )3. a. r-u-l-e-r b. it’s blue. c. i’m ok!

( )4. a. hi! b. it’s v. c. bob.

( )5. a. it’s green. b. it’s a pen. c. it’s a dog.

. 听对话,把各自的物品用线连起来。每个句子读两遍(5分)

1. janea. pencil case

2. bobb. watch

3. nickc. notebook

4. soniad. pencil sharpener铅笔刀。

5. time. id card

. 听对话,用介词in、 on、 under填空。每个句子读两遍(5分)

1. the keys are __the bed.

2. the id card is __his school bag.

3. the pen is __the pencil case.

4. the ruler is __the desk.

5. the cds are __the drawer. ∕dr∕抽屉。


一、 单选选择(共20分;每小题1分)

) 1. 用___表示“中国**电视台”。

a. bbc b. cba c. un d. cctv

) 2. —what’s this in english?

a. it’s red. b. it’s a pen. c. it’s green. d. i’m fine.

)3is the quilt?

—— it’s blue.

a. what’s b. what c. what color d. how

) 4. it’s __ruler, it’s __orange ruler.

a. a; an b. an; a c. a; the d. an; the

) 5. —it’s a key.

— k-e-y .

a. what’s thisb. spell it, please.

c. what color is itd. yes.

) 6. -how are you

a. how are youb. good morning!

c. i’m fine, thanksd. hello!

) 7.--what __your namemy name __jack.

a. am; am b. is; is c. am; is d. is; am

) 8. alan miller’s __name is miller.

a. ok b. first c. full d. last

) 9. this is a boy. _name is wang qiang.

a. herb. hisc. myd. he

— it’s 012-868.

a. what’s thisb. what’s your name

c. what’s your telephone number d. what’s her name

( )11. —my name’s gina.

— hi, gina

a. nice to meet you b. thank you c. i’m sorry d. i’m fine

) 12. 26个字母中的元音字母是 .

b. c.

) 13. please call tony __495-3764.

a. at b. to c. of d. in

) 14.——is that your eraser?

it’s her eraser.

a. yes, it is b. yes, it isn’t c, no, it is d. no, it isn’t

) 15. these are my __

a. sister b. mother c. parent d. parents

) 16. how __you spell it?

a. are b. doc. is d. am

) 17. is this your baseball __the lost and found case?

a. at b. ofc. in d. to

) 18. look! this is a photo __my family.

a. for b. atc. to d. of

) 19.——excuse meis your brother?

—he’s in the bedroom .

a. where b. what c. how d. which

) 20. jack found a set of

a. key b. keys c. a key d. two keys

二、 情景对话:将下面句子重新排列组成一个完整的对话。(5分)

1. nice to meet you! 2. my name’s mike. 3. hello, mike! i’m jim.

4. nice to meet you, too. 5. hello! what’s your name?



i ) is my schoolbag?

) you h**e a basketball?

) this in english ?

) morning, mr li?

) this your pencil?

) her phone number?

) your name?

) you spell it,please?

) are you?

) to meet you.


1. ∕bi:∕_2.∕em∕__3. ∕di:∕_4. ∕dblju:∕_

5.∕et∕__6.∕kju:∕_7.∕di: ∕8.∕et∕__

9.∕ef ∕_10.∕de ∕_



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