
发布 2020-05-06 03:24:28 阅读 9069





) 1. a giveb. g**e c. bought

( )2. a. crayon b. bagc. write

) 3. a. fifty b. thirteen c. thirty

) 4. a. there b. tomorrow c. yesterday

) 5. a. faces c. crayons


1. 九十2.十九。

3. 四十4.十八。

5. 十五6.八十。

三。 写出下列短语对应的英语或汉语。


3.在地板上 a party

5. in the a row

7.在班里8. 在动物园里。

9. only nineteen crayons

四. 选择最正确的答案,并将其序号填在前面的括号内。

) 1. there __only nineteen crayons.

a. is b. are c. be

) 2. _faces can you see?

a. how many b. how much c. what

) 3. there __one monkey in the zoo.

a. isb. arec. be

) 4. how many pupils are thereyour class?

a. inb. onc. by

) 5i lose one?

no, you didn’t.

a. dob. doesc. did

) 6. there are twenty __in the class.

a. child b. children c. child

) so many.

a. isb. arec. be

) 8. i __twenty yesterday.

a. buy b. bought c. buyed

)9. how muchdo you want?

a. apples b. chocolate c. pears

) the matter __daming ?

a. with b. atc. to


1. there(反义词过去式。

3. didn’t(完全形式原形。

过去式6. see(同音词。


六。 根据问句找出对应的答语1. did you buy ice creams?

) many people are there inyour class?

)3. how did you go home?

)4. where did you go?

) much milk did you buy?

七。 将下列单词组成句了。

crayons , only, there, nineteen

how, can, see , faces

3. bought, i, yesterday, twenty

4. home, by, we, bus, went

5. i, with, sam, to, went, park, the

八。 英汉互译

1. 你是昨天回来的吗?

2. 我们是乘坐公共汽车回家的。

3. yesterday i went to the park with sam and amy.

4. i dropped my ice cream on john’s new shoes.

九。 阅读短文选择正确的答案。

last sunday, i went to the west lake with my parents. we went there by bus. it is very beautiful.

many people walked around the lake. we saw many boats on the lake. i bought a beautiful kite near the lake.

we also ate some nice food there. we had a good time. i love the west lake.

)1. when did we go to the west lake?

a. tomorrow. b. yesterday. c. last sunday.

)2. who went to west lake?

a. i b. my parents and my parents.

)3. we went to the lake

a. by bus b. by boat c. by bike

)4. did we see any boats on the lake?

a. no, we didn’t. b. yes, we did. c. yes, we do.

)5. what did you buy near the lake?

a. a bike. b. a hat. c. a kite.

十。 请写一封电子邮件告诉你的好朋友amy周末的经历: where did you go ?

what did you do? how did you go? and who did you go with?


20 20 学年第一学期五年级语文模拟试卷 60分钟完卷 一 积累百花园。44分。1 读拼音写汉字。8分 l zo ho xil 鼓音自 政 伴 再接再 干毛威游。2 给下列字换偏旁组成新字再组词。4分 脾喻。3 补充下列词语,并选一个写一句话。10分 想 翩 吞枣别出断 连。不容 星 布 不绝 不...


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