
发布 2020-05-05 05:58:28 阅读 1259


cloud (形容词active(反义词city(复数。

sat. (完全形式kind(反义词)__shelf(复数)__


salt(形容词)__can not (缩略形式)__

2、 用括号中单词的适当形式填空。

1. i'd like somepotato) for lunch.

2. what day is it today? it's (sun.)

3. we h**e chinese and math on .(thursday)

4. mike (h**e) english on monday.

5. it's (salt). it's my f**ourite.


) 1. do you h**e a new teacher?

a. yes, i am. b. no, i don't. c. no, i do.

) 2your math teacher? mr zhao.

a. what's b. who's c. where's

) 3. —what's he like?

— he's __

a. funny b. fun c. principal

) 4. is she quiet?

a. yes, she isn't. b. no, she is. c. no, she isn't.

) 5. what __is it today?

a. day b. today c. date

) 6. what do we h**e on mondays? we h**e __

a. friday b. science c. fruit

) 7. what do you __on saturdays?

a. is b. does c. do

) 8. what you?

a. are b. about c. do

) 9. what would you like for lunch?

i'd like some __

a. green beans b. green bean c. bean

) 10. i don't like grapes. they are __

a .sweet b. sour c. healthy

4、下面你能看到 5 组分别被打乱顺序的问句和答句,请你重新搭配一下,把正确的答句的字母标号填入相应问句前的括号内。

) 1. what's your f**ourite food? a. i often play ping-pong.

) 2. what do you h**e for dinner? b. we h**e english and art.

) 3. what do you do on sundays? c. i like fish.

) 4. what day is it todayd. i h**e beef and rice.

) 5. what classes do you h**ee. it's wednesday.

on mondaysf. she' tall and thin.

) s she likeg. no, they are sour.

) 7. what would you like for lunch? f. i'd like some fish and rice

) 8. would you like some grapes


1.ab: i can do the housework at home.

2. ab: no, there are many trees and small houses in the village.

3. ab: my curtains are blue.

4. ab: there are three people in my family.

5. ab: the chair is under the bed.

6、作文。你拥有自己的小房间吗?你的房间或者你心目中的未来房间是什么样子的?充分发挥你的想像力,描述一下你为自己设计的房间吧。(用there be写不少于5句话)


五年级美术教学质量监测试题。时间 90分钟 卷面总分 100分 一 我聪明 想一想,选一选,把正确答案的番号填入括号中。每空1分,共20分 1 着衣母婴卧像 是 国现代雕塑家 的雕塑作品。该作品介乎 与 之间。人物的一切细节都被忽略了,强化了 敦实起伏的身体。他经常借用母亲的身体表现和 以独特的 和...


2010年小学五年级数学下册期中试卷 二 一 填空。每空1分,共19分 个亿,5个千万,4个十万组成的数写作 10050400000 用四舍五入法省略 亿 后面的尾数是 101 1升 2 升 100 毫升 3.4.5时 4 时 30 分 3 先把8.05扩大10倍,再把小数点向左移动两位,得 805...


小学五年级上期期末试卷。小学五年级上期期末试卷。一 听力5分。1 春天最美的是夏天最美的是秋天最美的是冬天最美的是2 短文是按 顺序写的,主要讲了。二 积累运用40分。1 拼一拼,在田字格中工整 匀称地写出汉字。6分。z o t ks ushn zh ng q ng xi 由于敌机的f ng su造...