
发布 2020-04-11 07:06:28 阅读 2919


一、evening、summer、cloudy、third、swim、walk二、writing、swimming、cows、plays三、close--open late--early dirty--cleango--come day--night large--small

四、1、what do you do on the weekend ?2、what is she doing ?3、what are the dogs doing ?

4、what is the weather like in fall ?五、f f t f模块(二)



四、1、i h**e lunch at 12:002、i do morning exercises at 8:303、i usually go shopping on the weekend ,五、bbaa模块(三)

一、is is when at which spring what eating why in二、aaab三、when、which、why、what、is

三、it's sunday noon . my mother is cleaning the room . my father is writing an e-mail .

my grandpa is cooking dinner . my grandma is cleaning the bedroom . i am doing myhomework .


一、******、play、fly、your、which二、fly kites、make a snowman、plant trees三、accccb

which season do you like best ? springwhich season do you like best ? summerwhy do you like summer?


why do you like winter? make a snowman四、tftt模块(五)

一、work evening often(**自出国留学网,请保留此信息。) climb play tell visitusually

二、read a book、draw pictures、watch tv三、连词成句:

1、when is mary's birthday ?2、what about you ?

3、how many birthdays are there in january ?4、grandma's birthday is in september .5、my father's birthday is on april 4th.


五、reading a book、drawing pictures、cooking dinnerplaying football、doing the dishes模块(六)一、acbedf

二、it's jumping it's swimmingwhat doing it's flying三、abdcac四、4 1 3 2 5五、babab模块(七)一、u ai ea i io e ei oo o



1、what are you doing ?2、this is lucy .3、i am doing the dishes .五、看答句,写问句。

1、what's the weather like in beijing ?

2、what day is it today ?

3、what do you do in the evening ?

4、what are they doing ?六、cacca

模块(八)一、take pictures(照相)pick up le**es(采摘树叶)watch insects(观察昆虫)

do an experiment(做实验)catch butterfly(捉蝴蝶)二、bbb


1、they are singing .

2、they are jumping .

3、they are swimming .4、they are flying .

四、2 4 5 8五、baba

小学生暑假作业答案 五年级语文暑假作业答案 版

盼望着,盼望着,暑假来了,属于我们的快乐的时光来临了,同学们是否为201x年的暑假做好计划了呢,不知不觉,语文小编陪伴大家又有一个学期了,今天,小编给大家推荐小学生暑假作业答案 五年级语文暑假作业答案,希望给大家一个参考。祝大家过一个快乐的暑假!小学生暑假作业答案 五年级语文暑假作业答案。暑假作业本...


曲师大附小五年级英语暑假作业。学生姓名家长签字。期盼中的暑假生活即将开始啦!相信马上步入六年级的你们一定可以把自己的假期安排得更妥当!老师衷心地希望你们假期的每一天都快乐而充实,并给大家的暑假安排提些建议 一 坚持每天朗读第1 6册课文对话 三年级上册 五年级下册 每天不少于15分钟。二 请在英语本...


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