
发布 2020-03-29 03:16:28 阅读 2506



unit 4 dialogue

一、请根据第16页unit 4 dialogue课文内容,判断下列句子是否符合课文内容。( 14’ )

) 1. the children went to plant trees on chinese tree planting day.

) 2. they went there with their teachers by bus.

) 3. there were three teachers with the children.

) 4. they began to plant trees in the afternoon.

) 5. mr. chen carried water for the young trees.

) 6. all the persons were happy when they finished their work.

) 7. tree planting day is on march 13th.

二、请再读课文,给下面的句子按先后顺序进行排序,在括号内写上大写字母编号。( 12’)

) 1. they put the young trees into the holes.

) 2. they filled the holes with earth.

) 3. they dug holes.

) 4. they started for baiyun hill at 8:00.

) 5. they watered the trees.

) 6. they carried water for the young trees.


1. 浇小树 w___t___yt___

2. 挖一个洞 dh___

3. 把树苗放进洞里 p___t___y___t___i___t___h___

4. 用泥土把洞填满 f___t___h___w___e___

5. 抬水 c___w___


1. jiamin写了一篇日记) yesterday evening.

2. march 12th. is chinese植树节).

3我们班的所有学生) will h**e an english class tomorrow.

4. they went to植树) last week.

5. they出发去) baiyun hill by bus last sunday.

6. they挖一个洞) in the garden yesterday.

7. they should把树苗放进洞里).

8. they把洞用泥土填满) two days ago.

9. they抬了一些水) for the new trees just now.

10. mr. chen must帮助他们浇树).

11. they were so excited when they完成所有的工作).

12我们所有人) hope they can do it.

13. the trees will生长得很好).

14. the trees will越长越高).


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