
发布 2020-03-29 03:00:28 阅读 6621




)1. a. stop b. comic c. dictionary d. hospital

)2. a. afraid b. g**e c. mooncake d. plane

)3. a. film b. price c. ship d. interesting

)4. b. must c. supermarket d. university

)5. a. left b. tell c. sled d. cinema

)6. a. ferry b. country c. you d. hobby

)7. a. foot b. food c. book

)8. a. hear b. wear c. bear d. near

)9. a. head b. bread c. sea d. breakfast

)10. a. mountain b. straight c. train d. email



3. listen(现在分词三单形式。

复数6. pass(三单形式。

现在分词8. write(现在分词。

9. it(复数10. their(宾格。


1. _helive) in spain? no, he __not).

2. john and mary __likestudy) chinese.

3. olivergo) hiking with his father this weekend.

4. miss whitetalk) to wu yifan now.

5. excuse me. where is thefour) building?

6. look! _hesister) shorts are here.

7. don’t __be) afraid ofride) bikes. it’s so easy.

8. let __wego) hiking together.

9. i’m going toteachhe) thechina) song.

10. i don’t likerun), shenotliketoo)


behind, in, from, on, by, at, for, with, to

1. my seat iszhang peng’s .

2. he lives __a farm __scotland.

3. my pen pal is __new zealand.

4. i will make a gift __my mother __mother’s day.

5. stop! don’t go __the red light.

6. why don’t you go __us __tuesday?

7. no read books __the sun.

8. you’re looking __the wrong side again.

9. _the uk you must drive __the left side.

10. everyone goes to school __bus or __foot.


1. he will goes to school by bus

2. may likes play with the children

3. let i read this for you

4. chen jie is going to washes her clothes this evening

5. what are liu xiang hobbies

6. does he likes doing word puzzles

7. he teach robin chinese

8. who do the dishes

9. how many hobby do you h**e

10. do you want learn about robots


1candies are there in the box?—there are thirty.

2is your hobby? –i like flying kites and boxing.

3is his f**ourite drink?—coca cola.

4are your keys? –in the desk.

5floor do you live? –i live in the fifth floor.

6is thisblack and white.

7is her brother? –he’s twelve.

8are you going? –i’m going to the zoo.

9are you going?—i’m going this afternoon.

10are you going to do? –i’m going to buy some books.


1. mike likes fishing and swimming. (划线部分提问)

2. i like cooking chinese food. (划线部分提问)

3. we will go to the supermarket by bus tonight. (写出同义句)

4. my grandparents are going to the park. (划线部分提问)

5. my little brother will go to study french. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

6. the animals h**e milk for lunch. (用tomorrow改写句子)

7. i usually go to the library on foot. (用he 改写句子)

8. yes, he likes drawing cartoons and riding bikes. (写出问句)

9. no, i won’t go to the zoo with my sisters. (写出问句)

10. she likes singing and dancing. (写出问句)

六年级数学周周练 第十二周

08学年六年级 上 周周练。第十二周 1.1 3.2 满分100分,考试时间40分钟 班级 姓名 学号 得分 一 填空题 2 10 20 1.能同时被整除的最大三位数是 2.分母是10的最简真分数的和是。3.规定一种新运算,则。5.一次会议,有100人出席,2人缺席,缺席的人是应出席的人数的 6.化...


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