
发布 2020-03-27 02:27:28 阅读 1143



1. (sl_pt(睡觉)

2. (badm_nton(羽毛球)

3. (be__ch(沙滩)

5. (tom_rrow(明天)

) 1、le rn (学习a. u b. a c. o d. i

) 2、st ve( 炉灶a. o b. e c. i d. u

) 3、k tchen(厨房) a. y b. u d. a

) 4、chris mas(圣诞节) a. u b. o c. b

) 5、s prise (意外的惊喜) a. ir c. er

) 6、rem mber(记得、想起) a. e b. o c. u d. i

) 7、h lthy(健康的) a. a b. ea c. e d. er

) 8、exerc se (锻炼、练习) a. i b. e c. o d. u

) 9、 cean(海洋a. oa b. ow c. o d. ou

) 10、m scle(肌肉) a. a b. e c. o d. u


1、look like2、good health to you3、thirty dollars4、walk slowly

5、listen carfully6、放风筝。




his foot14别迟到。



1. buy(同音词反义词)

缩写) 对应词)

过去式最高级) _

完全形式8. first(基数词) _

9. story(复数10. run(现在分词) _


)1. _did you do on your holiday?--i went to the park.

)2.--sam is 160cm tall. ted is 10cm shorter than him.

how tall is ted? a. 150cm b.

160cm c. 170cm d.150m

)'m 5older than you.

a. years b. cm

)4did you go on your holiday?--shanghai.

a. what b. where c. how

)5.--did you __pictures yesterday?

a. take b. took c. taking take

) 6. it’s looks __moon.

)7. i___fresh food in xingjiang last sunday .

)8 .i want to beenglish teacher.

) 9. how big are youri wear size 23

) computers or internet in my time.

a. is

) 11. amy is going to __her homework tomorrow.

a. does

) 12. look! i am __my bedroom .

) played footballsunday morning.

a. for b. to

) is __than his father.

a. young

) usually __to work by car.


1. my sister canride )a horse.

2. i likeplay) football.

3. february is thetwo) month of a year.

4. my father oftenwtch) tv in the evening.

5. therebe) a pen and two pencils on the desk.


) was your weekend? a. i’m going to see a film .

) did you do last night? watched tv.

) he h**e music class yesterday ? c .it was great .

) tall are you ? d .no ,he didn’t .

) are you going to do next weekend ? e .i’m 1.61 metres .


1. do, to, school, how, you, come (?

2. know, you, do, that , how (?

3. couldn’t , ride , my , i. ,well, bike (.

to, going, i, am , visit ,day . moon. the (.

5. saturday . feel. off bike. my. last. i (.


1. she is going to fly kites.(写出同义句)

2. i h**e math class at 9:00.(用he 做主语)

3. he did his homework yesterday.(改为否定句)

father is taking pictures now.(用yesterday改写)

5.xiao ming goes to school by bike.(划线部分提问)

九、 read and choose. (阅读短文,选择正确的答案) (10分)

miss white is a teacher. she teaches math. she is very responsible (负责) and she loves all the students.

usually she gets up at 6:20 in the morning. but this morning she gets up at 5:

40, because she is on duty (值日)today. first, she gets ready for classes at home, then she goes to school at 6:50.

at 7:00, she comes back to school. then she eats breakfast in the canteen.

at 7:20, she stands at the gate (大门) of school and wait for her students to come back school.


) 1. when does miss white usually get up in the morning?

a. at 6:20. b. at 5:40. c. at 6:30.

) 2. why does miss white get up at 5:40 this morning?

a. because she loves all the students.

b. because she is on duty today.

c. because she gets ready for classes.

) 3. where does she eat breakfast?

a. at home. b. in the kitchen c. in the school canteen.

) 4. what does miss white do?

a. she is a music teacher. b. she is an english teacher.

c. she is a math teacher.

) 5. does she get ready for classes this morning?

a. yes, she is. b. yes, she does. c. no, she doesn’t.



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