六年级下册英语练习卷 AB卷

发布 2020-03-26 11:33:28 阅读 9799



1. did you使用) the computer yesterday?2. i didn’t煮) dinner last night.

3. betty学习) english this morning.4. we种植) trees last year.

5. she交谈) to her aunt yesterday.6. it’s冷) outside. put on your coat.

7. please h**e some棉花) candy and cola.8. did you错过了) the train?

9. our team赢得) a basketball game last week.10. the student forgot this功课).

11. our team赢得) a baseball game last friday.

12. betty唱) a song to her friends in the party last night.13. do you want any牛奶)?

14. she didn’t使用) the computer yesterday.15.

my brother学习) english this morning.16. don’t喝) the bottle of juice.

it’s dirty.

17. my litter brother写) some letters last night.18.

she got a beautiful连衣裙) this morning.19. the driver丢失) his keys.

20. she is弹) the piano.

21. she’s going to into the洞).22. would you like some鸡肉).

累) because i worked all day.24. why is she兴奋)?25. i got a lovely小猫).

26. can you挂起) my pants?

27. please拿出) your pens and pencils.28.

she’ll收拾) her books in the bedroom.29. did they打扫) their classroom yesterday?

30. look! susan is going to关) the computer.

31. the cook can carry many碟子).32.

he has to寻找) his keys.33. we h**e to be小心).

34放下) the he**y bag, please.35. give me your马).

36. please扔) the ball to me.37. why is he兴奋)?

38. he has to寻找) his keys.

39. she’ll收拾) her books in the bedroom.40. the bookstore is in the西边).

41. my mother is angry, because i考) a poor grade.42. don’t eat too much junk食物).

43. the litter baby唱歌) last night.44.

he喝) a bottle of mike every day.45. they were very累).


1. bettysing) a song to her friends last night.2.

tomread) an english book last sunday.3. did heride) to the park last friday?

4. wherebe) you last month?

5. timeat) something wrong and he was sick.三、翻译句子,每条横线上只填一个单词。1.昨天你们在公园里干了什么?

did youin the park yesterday?2.昨晚我弟弟使用了电脑。

my brotherthelast night.3.上个星期我们在课室里跳了舞。

wein the classroom last4.今天早上他去探望了他的祖父母。

hehis grandparents this5.你前天有打篮球吗?

did youbasketball the dayyesterday?6.你昨晚在家干什么?我写信给我的朋友。

what d youat home last night? ito my friend.7.昨晚你做饭了吗?没有。

did youdinner yesterday evening? no, i8.今天peter吃了什么?

did petertoday?9.上周日我骑自行车去了公园。

imy bike to thelast sunday.


mary and her mothersome photos in apark last month.11.那确实是糟糕透了。

that’s aday.12.请不要错过公共汽车。

please don’t13.我希望下一次赢得比赛。

i hope i will14.很多孩子喜欢吃棉花糖。

many children likecandy.15.你找到你的钥匙了吗?

did youyour16.我们很兴奋,因为我们明天去野餐。

we’rebecause we’re going to h**e atomorrow.17.在第一个交通灯出向右转。

turnat the firstlight.


imy bike to thelast sunday.19.昨晚你的奶奶做饭了吗?没有。

did your grandmotherdinner last night?no, she20.今天早上她去探望了她的外祖母。

sheher grandparents 昨天在操场上打篮球吗?

did benbasketball on theyesterday?22.我上个星期日在图书馆里阅读漫画书。

isome comic books at the library last23.昨晚孩子们在派对里喝了很多果汁。

thea lot of juice at the party last night.24.她正在制作一个玩具小猫。

she isa toynow.25.发生什么事情?我过得很幸运。

whatia lucky 经常爬那座山。

mike oftenthat27.我们正在洞外玩。

we areout of the28.别熬夜,否则你会累的。

don’tor you’ll be very29.为什么你考得不好?

did you get a poor30.我听到一声巨响。

ia big31.让我把垃圾倒掉。

let meout the32.请不要关灯。

pleasedon’tto turnthe light.33.我们打算星期三打扫课室。

wegoing toup the classroom on wednesday.34.你能收拾好你的玩具吗?

can youyour toys?35.外面很冷。请穿上外套。

it’soutside. pleaseon your coat.36.请推开大象。

pleasean elephant37.小心!别掉进洞里。

takedon’tinto the c**e.38.要迟到了,我必须赶快点。

i’mi h**e to39.看到蛇你害怕吗?

are youtoa


hefind his41.我今天早上在房子里找到了裙子。

ithein the house this morning.42.请不要关灯。

pleasedon’tto turnthe light.43.看到老虎你害怕吗?

are youto see a44.为什么你考得不好?

did you get a poor45.要迟到了,我必须赶快点。

i’mi h**e to46.他昨天骑自行车上学吗?

did hehis bike to school47.你能倒垃圾吗?好的。

can youout theplease? sure.48.很多人喜欢跑步,因为它是健康的。

many people likebecause it is49.发生什么事?我丢失了英语书。

whatimy english book.50.昨天我过了很好的一天。我去动物园了。

i had aday yesterday. ito the zoo.

六年级下册英语练习卷 AB卷

classname一 根据中文的提示,写出正确的单词或词组。1。did you使用 the computer yesterday?2.i didn t煮 dinner last night。3.betty学习 english this morning。we种植 trees last year。she...

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