
发布 2020-03-26 01:51:28 阅读 8294






)1. a. moon b. museum c. project d. happy

)2. a. wereb. should c. from d. rubbish

)3. a.

)4. a. plactic

)6. a.

)7. a.


) 1. a. yes, miss li. b. please listen to me. c. yes, we can

) 2. a. it’s friday b. it’s the fourth of the june c. it’s father’s day

) 3. a. yes, i could b. no, i can’t c. no, i didn’t

) 4. a. it’s in the basket. b. they were over there c. they are under the table

) 5. a. they are talking b. they watched tv c. they h**e an english lesson.


1.--who’s theone to make a sentence? -it’s my

2.--where did you go for thedayi went to the great wall .it was great fun.

3.—how was the weatherit wasandwe flew kites in the playground.

4.—are you cooking meat? -no, i’m not. i’m cooking

5.--were there any mobile phones twenty years___no, there



1. 一个下雨天2.读报纸。

3. 一场有趣的展览4.交朋友。

5.继续走路 over the world

and now

a sentence with10. call people anywhere


1. mother sister ( holiday( )

3. tree sea( )4. catch call ( year( )


)1it often___in jiangsu?

a. does; rainyb. is; rainy c. was rainy

) often___bus to the school.

a. by b. take a c. by a

)3. where did miss li go __the holiday?

a. for b. with c. to

) applesthe tree turned red.

a. on b. in c. at

)5. she is pointing __the old man.

a. at bc. to

) father isholiday.

a. in b. at c. on

)7. can you make a sentenceeat”?

a. on b. with c. to

)8. -what dayyesterday? -tuesday.

a. was b. were c. is

)9. don’ttim .helen is doing her homework.

a. shouted b. shout c. shouting

)10. the kite flew too high and we couldn’t __it.

a. get on b. put on c. hold onto

) cold outside. please __clothes.

a. wear b. putting on c. put on

( )often___in spring here.

a. rains b. rainy c. rained

)13. this dress fit you, yang ling?

a. is b. do c. does

) was he**y yesterday. it___hard.

a. rain ; rained b. rained; rainy c. rainy; rained

) a mobile phone on the internet last sunday.

a. brought b. buyed c. bought


1. it oftenrain) here in spring , but itnot rain) last week.

2. hewear) a black t-shirt yesterday.

3. there __be) a food festival at school yesterday. the children __be) excited.

they __eat) a lot.

4. miss liteach) us english. we all like her very much.

5. jim often asks his motherread) stories for him.

6. my fathertell) me a story yesterday evening.

(be) a lot of people in the street yesterday.


1. yesterday, thereis/was) a fashion show at school.__what/how) great fun!

2. jenny isshow/showing) her new mobile phone to me.

3who’s/whose) kite is it? -it’s mycousin/cousin’s).

4. in the morning, therewas/were)some black __clouds/cloudy)in the sky.

5. -wheredo/did) you go last weekend? w

--i___go/went) to the shanghai museum. isee/saw) many interesting things.


a big shopping mall

there is a big shopping mall __1___our school. there are many things in the mall. the people in it are very __2___on weekdays, we often go __3___things there on our way home.

the shop opens at eight in the morning. it __4___at eight in the evening. we can buy __5___things in it.

we can buy food, clothes, stationery __6___many other things. but __7___any english books there.

now we are in the shop. simon __8___to buy a rubber. amy wants __9___two pencils and i’d like to h**e something __10___drink.

) 1. a. on b. near c. at d. in

) 2. a. friends b. friend c. friendly d. dear

) 3. a. to shopping b. buying c. to buy d. shopping

) 4. a. is close b. closed c. closing d. closes

) 5. a. a lot of b. a lot c. much d. how much

) 6. a. but b. and c. so d. with

) 7. a. don’t h**e b. doesn’t h**e c. there isn’t d. there aren’t

) 8. a. want b. to want c. is wanting d. wants

) 9. a. buying b. to buy c. buys d. is buying

) 10. a. to b. for c. at d. with

七、阅读短文。 (每题1分,共10分)

一)last sunday was a funny day. liu tao came to my home in the morning. we studied english together.

we read some funny english stories. at about ten o’clock, we went to chennan park on foot. and we fished there.

it was very interesting. we cooked lunch at about 12 o’clock and it was very nice. then we cleaned the kitchen.

we watched tv after lunch. at about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, we played pingpong.

)1. mike watched tv

a. in the morning b. in the afternoon the evening

)2. mike and liu tao went fishing

a. at home b. in chennan park c. at school

)3. they went to the park __

a. on foot b. by bike

)4. when did they play table tennis?

a. at about 4 o’clock in the morning b at noon

c .at about 4 o’clock in the afternoon

)5. who cooked lunch? _

a. mike. b. mike and liu tao. c. mike’s mother.

二)one day a crow finds a piece of meat. she picks it up in her mouth and flies to a tall tree. she is just going to eat when a fox sees her.

he comes under the tree and says,“hello! how beautiful you look today!”the crow is very glad to hear that.

then the fox speaks again,“i can see your beautiful face, i hear your voice is nice, too. why don’t you sing a song?”the crow is very happy.

she opens her mouth and begins to sing a song. when she opens her mouth, she drops the meat. the fox picks up the meat and goes away with it quickly.

) crow puts the meat in the tree.

) crow and the fox are friends.

) fox thinks the crow is beautiful.

)4 the crow wants to sing a song.

) fox listens to the crow and takes the meat away.


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