
发布 2020-03-25 20:05:28 阅读 5434


满分120,时间100分钟) 姓名___


1. box (复数)__2. short (反义词)__not (缩略形式) _4. first(基数词)__

5. sheep (复数形式) _6. two (同音词) _7. she (宾格)__8. let’s (完全形式。

9. do (过去式10. run(现在分词11. foot(复数形式)__

12. he**y(比较级13. right ( 反义词14 .three (序数。

15. early (比较级16..those (单数过去式。

18. apple(复数19. bought (原形20. are (过去式。


1.where on you go your holiday did

2. matter with you what’s the

3. the do you what on weekend do usually

4. you much am than i taller

5. visit i’m tomorrow my going grandparents to


) 1. there is __apple. it is___red apple. a. a,a b. an,an c. an, a

) 2.__the time, pleasea. where’s b. what’s c. who’s

) 3.__are they? they’re under the chair. b. what c. who

) 4. can you get the letter___mea. in b. to c. at

) 5. where___my shoesa. am b. is c. are

)6. i go to bed___tena. in b. on c. at

)7. we __to the park last sundaya. go b. went c. going( )

)8. you are very beautifula. yes. b. thank you. c. it`s ok.

)9. look!the kite___in the skya. fly b. flies c. is flying

( )10. how many seasons are there in a b. four. c. five.

)11. would you like __coffee or tea?coffee,please. a. some b. x c. any

)12. it`s time __dinnera. to b. at c. for

)13. i __a brother. she __a sister. a. h**e,has b. has,has c. h**e,h**e

)14. this is a boyname is mike. a. he b. his c. him

)15. elephant is __than horsea. stronger b. strong c. strongger

四。 选择正确的词:5分

1. there are___in a year.

2. in fall,the trees` _colourful.

3. this is __that one is __

4. he is __book now.

5. in the morning,i go to __school). in the afternoon,i go __to home).


.that is a pen.(变为复数)

.they’re from canada.(变为一般疑问句)

.there are 45 students in the classroom.(根据答句提出问句)

.is your father at home?(作否定回答)

.where are your books?(根据实际情况作答)


1.--what does sarah usually do on the weekend?

--she usually看电视) .

2. -what did you do on your holiday?

--i went to beijing and拍照) there.

3.–what is mike doing now?

-he is踢足球) on the playground.

4. john is taller than zhang peng. but zhang peng is强壮) than john.

5.--are you going to去书店) this afternoon?

-no, we are going to h**e a picnic.



a. how many chairs can you see? b. how many chair can you see?

c. where are the chairs? d. how many desks can you see?


. today is monday. b.

today is tuesday. c. what day is today?

d. today is friday.

) 3. 你想让别人看大象,应该说:

. look at the elephant. b. look the elephant.

c. look after the elephant. d. look out the elephant.

) 4. 你想对一个熟人打招呼,应该说:

. how do you do? bwhere are you? c. hello! d. bye-bye.

) 5. 你有事麻烦别人,可以说:

. excuse me. b. you’re welcome. c. thank you. d. i’m sorry.

) 6. 你想说“我有6支铅笔”时,应该说:

a. i h**e six pencils. b. i h**e six pen. six pencils. d. there are six pen.


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