
发布 2020-03-22 23:57:28 阅读 9230





一. 听音,选出你所听到的单词。

1.( a. nice b. nine c. night

2.( a. quiet b. postcard c. quick

3.( a. hair b. air c. where

4.( a. think b. those c. these

5.( a. cat b. coat c. carry

6.( a. happen b. headache c. h**e

7.( a. friday b. tuesday c. thursday

8.( a. thirsty b. three c. thirty

9.( a. housework b. homework c. house

10.( a. walk b. talk c. take

11. (a. ride b. read c. ring

12. (a. than b. then c. the

13. (a. but b. bump c. ball

14. (a. parents b. grandparents c. grandma

15. (a. america b. c. new york

二. 听音,选出你所听到的句子。

1. (a. it will be sunny in hangzhou.

b it will be windy in zhengzhou.

c it will be hot in hangzhou.

2. (a. he lives in now.

b. he lived in year.

c. he is living in

3. (a. on friday , i ‘ll help my mother.

b. on saturday , i ‘ll visit my friends.

c. on friday , i ‘ll read some books.

4. (a. the boy is tall.

b. the boy was tall.

c. the girl is tall.

5.( a. this is a book about animals.

b. this is a tv show about plants.

c. this is a book about london .


1.( a. yes , i did. b. yes , she did.

2.( a. yes , i will. b. yes, i can.

3. (a. it’s in the south b. it’s very big.

4. (a. london b. england

5. (a. i will play footballb. i played football yesterday.


1.( what __to you ,daming?

a. happened b. happen c. h**e

2.( it will be __in sanya. a. hot b. cold c. cloudy

3.( i __two watermelons yesterday.

a. bought b. buy c. buying

4.( the great wall is __than the summer palace.

a. older b. higher c. bigger

5.( will you do your homework? yes, _will.

a. we b. they c. i


一. 英汉互译。

1. new york2. 稍微,有点儿。

3. had a headache4. 在休假。

5. listen to music6.去野餐。

7. row a boat8.跌落。

9. play on the computer10. 玩的开心。

二. 写出下列单词过去式。

1. sing2. go

9. phone10. carry

三. 选择填空。

)1、it will __in beijing. a . be windy b . windy c . wind

)2、amy was __then. a . old b .young c .high

)3、--what did __do yesterday?

she __to the park .

a . she / went b . you / went c. she / go

)4、--wow, it __walk.

yes , it can. a . can b . will c . is

)5、yesterday i __mum. a . help b . helped c . helping

)6、will you take your ball

a .yes ,i won`t b .no , i won`t c .no ,i will

)7、today is sunday and tomorrow is .

a .saturday b .tuesday c .monday

)8、last weekend , we __football

a. play b. played

( )9. amy ‘s hair __short then , but now it __long.

a. is / is b .are / was c . was / is

)10、she __a stomach ache yesterday.

a. got b. had c. h**e


1. -daming and lingling like chinese music.

---the watermelon bumped my head.

---yes, they will.

---no , we didn’t.

5. -they were small then.



my family

my name is peter. i’m 8 years old. there are four people in my family.

they are my father, my mother, my brother and me. i like pop music. i h**e a big drum(鼓) and i can play it well.

my brother is older than me. he’s ten years old. he can play football well.


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