
发布 2020-03-22 06:44:28 阅读 6513



一、look and choose.(看**,选单词。)

a.door b.classroom c.picture

d.light e.windowf.blackboard

二、look and write.(根据提示补全单词。)



三、read and find.(读单词,找不同。)

1.a.door b.window c.clean

2.a.girlb.desk c.classroom

3.a.pictureb.near c.on

4.a.where b.six c.eight

5.a.doctor b.egg c.teacher

四、look and choose.(看**,选单词。)

a.turn b.open c.look at d.put up e.clean

1.__the door.

2.__on the light.

3.__the blackboard.

4.__the window.

___the picture.

五、read and choose.(读句子,选择正确答案。)

1.we __a new teacher.


2.—whats __the classroom?

two desks and three boards.


of3.look at our __

its so big!

a.door b.window c.classroom

4.__go and see.


5.—_my english book?

its on the desk.


六、read and rearrange.(读一读,重新排列单词组成句子,请注意大小写和标点符号。)






七、read and find.(读一读,找答语。)

1.whats in my classroom?

2.wheres my chair?

3.is this your new desk?

4.let me clean the windows.

5.whats in your desk?

a.my bag.

b.yes,it is.

c.many chairs and desks.

d.it is under your desk.

e.ok.八、read and choose.(读一读,选择正确的**。)

1.—where is my cat?

oh, its near the window.

2.—where is the book?

its on the desk.

look! this is my new friend, sarah.

she can clean the window.

九、read and choose.(读对话,选择正确答案。)


mike:hi, are they?

john:this is is are is my friend,mike.

dalong:hi, to meet you.

mike:nice to meet you, class are you in?

dalong:we are in class two,grade four.

mike:oh,good!were in the same class(同一个班).

dalong:are you from england?

mike:no,im from about you?

dalong:were from china.

1.mike is johns __


2.dalong and xiaolong are __

a.newb.johns teacherc.girls

3.mike is in __

a.class four,grade two b.class two,grade four c.classtwo,grade one

4.__is from america.


5.dalong and xiaolong are from __



参***。一、1.e 2.d 3.a 4.b二、1.a 2.e 3.k 4.a三、1.c 2.a3.a 4.a四、1.b 2.a 3.c 4.e五、1.a 2.b 3.c 4.a六、1.lets go and see.

2.where is my seat?

3.we h**e a new classroom. 5.c 6.f 5.b 5.d 5.b

4.its near the door.

5.whats on the desk?七、1.c 2.d 3.b八、1.a 2.b 3.b九、1.b 2.a 3.b

4.e 5.a 4.b 4.a 5.a




1)__b (2)__u (3) y __4) k___5) x___


1) cc___ee (2)__ll___3)__qq___


byo __gril___firend___



te__cherb__d brea___doo___ch___cken



beef, fish, book, kitchen, mother, sister, living room, bag, rice,study




1. what’s your father? a. sure, here you are.

2. how many books do you h**e? b. yes, she is.

3. may i h**e a look? c. i h**e 3.

4. what would you like? d. he is a doctor.

5. is she in the study? e. i’d like some beef.



a. what’s your uncle?b. who’s your uncle?


a. what do you like? b. what would you like?


a. what’s for dinner?b. what’s dinner?


a. where is my chinese book? b. where is my notebook?


a. the driver is in the study. b. the teacher is in the kitchen.


1. your, what’s , father?

2. classroom?, in, the, what’s

3. would, like? ,you, what

4. study?, are, in, the, they

5. books, many, how, you , do, h**e?

i’m tom. i’m eleven years old. i live near the school.

i go toschool every day. in my family there are three people. mymother, my father and i.

my father is a bus driver. he is friendly(友好). he has a lot of friends.

my mother is a teacher. sheworks at my school. she does housework every day.

i lovethem.

) 1. tom is ten years old.

) 2. there are three people in his family.

) 3. his father is a teacher.

) 4. tom does housework every day.

) 5. tom’sfather has a lot of friends.


this is jim’s bedroom. it’s new and nice. a bed and a chair arein it.

a desk is on the floor. some flowers are on it .a bookshelfis behind the bed.

some english books are on the shelf. a

picture is on the wall. some people are in the picture. the manis his father.

the woman is his mother. who is the boy? do youknow?

) 1. whose room is it?

a. jim’s room. b. father’s room. c. mother’s room.

) 2. where are the flowers?

a. on the floor. b. in the desk. c. on the desk.

) 3. what’s on the shelf?

a. some chinese some math books. c. some englishbooks.

) 4. who is the woman?

a. jim’s jim aunt.

) 5. -who is the boy? -it’s __

a. jimb. mike c. d**id

参***:一、 u, y, k, kk, mm, pp, rr

二、boy, girl, friend, ruler, pencil-case

三、 四、 sister fish, rice room, study

五、 六、

七、 your father? in the classroom?

3. what would you like?4. are they in the study?

5. how many books do you h**e?





1、a. strong b. friendly

2、a. wall b. windowc. door

3、a. his b.

4、a. fan b. desk(

5、a. notebook bookc. hat


)1.—where is my schoolbag?—.

a. it’s a panda. it’s on the desk.

) h**e math book , notebook and english book .

b. aana b. a a anc .an a a() desks __green.

a / b are c is xk b 1. com

)4. -where is my pencil?--it’s___

a on floor b on the floor c on floors

) is a girl. name is lucy.

a. his b. her c. it’s

6.—what is your pen?—it’s red.

b. nice c. colour

7. shelong hair, big eyes and ears.

h**e c. is

8. what you like for dinner?

a. are b. do c. would

9.. are they near the phone?

a. no, they aren’t. b. yes,they aren’t. c. no, it isn’t.(

10. -let me help you

a. thank youb. here you are. c. you’re right.


1. what colour is your book?

2. what’s in your schoolbag? b. it’s yellow.(

is she? c. many books.

4. are they on the table? in the kitchen.(

clean the are.


this is my classroom. it is very big. the wall is white.

you cansee a teacher’s desk, a computer, four pictures, five windowsand six lights. the computer is black. it’s on the teacher’s pictures are on the wall.

the windows are yellow. the lightsare green. you can see many desks and chairs.

they are blue.

)1. the classroom is small.

)2. the six pictures are on the wall.

)3. the windows are yellow.

)4. the computer is on the teacher’s desk.

)5. the desks and chairs are blue.


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