
发布 2020-03-18 18:54:28 阅读 1378



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)1. ab.

)2. ab.

)3. ab.

)4. ab.

)5. ab.



1、doctor driver nurse2、knife noodles chicken

3、bedroom bathroom fridge 4、friendly glasses quiet

5、english book candy key 6、window floor picture



1、is she in the living room? a、yes, she isb、no, she isn’t.

2、what’s his namea、his name is mike. b、her name is sarah.

3、where is ita、it’s near the window . b、it’s a window.

4、what colour is ita、it’s an orangeb、it’s orange.

5、would you like some milk? a、no, thanksb、yes , i can.

6、what’s your uncle’s job? a、she’s a doctorb、he’s a doctor.


spoon driver rice doctor


)1、cat dad2、like kite

)3、duck use4、she red


)1. let open the books.

a .usb. myc. we

)2. how many are there on the desk?

a. rulerb. rulersc. eraser

)3. my friend __short. she __long hair.

a. has, isb. is, hasc. is, is

)4. i'm . let me help you.

a .longb. strongc. short

)5. she __a blue schoolbag.

a. h**eb. isc. has

)6. -are you?--i am in the living room.

a. whatb. howc. where

)7. would you like bread?

a. anyb. youc. some

)8is it ? it’s blue and white.

a. whatb. what colourc. where

)9this your father? -yes, he is.

a. amb. isc. are

)10. what would you like dinner?

a. tob. onc. for


) 1. what would you like for dinner?

) 2. what’s in your schoolbag?

) 3. would you like some beef for dinner?

) 4. how many hats do you h**e?

) 5. what’s your mother’s job?


1. your, how many , are, people ,there ,in ,family (?

2. use, can, i, your , pen (?

3. like, what , you ,would (?

4. tall, and, is, he, strong (.

5. in, she , is ,the, park (.


hello, boys and girls. my name is lan mao. i am 10.

i h**e a friend. her name is hong tu. she has long hair, big eyes and ears.

she has a small nose and a big mouth. she is friendly. we are good friends.

)1. lan mao is ten years old.

)2. hong tu has a small nose.

)3. lan mao is friendly.

)4. hong tu has short hair.

)5. lan mao and hong tu are good friends.


濉溪县2013 2014学年度第一学期教学质量检测。四年级数学试卷。一 填空题 20分 这个数是 位数,最高位是 位,读作省略亿位后面的尾数约是 亿。2 一个九位数,最高位上的数字是8,万位上的数字是7,其他数位上的数字都是0,这个数写作把它改写成用 万 作单位的数是万。3 钟面上6时整,时针与分针...


a 3 b 4 c 5 2 最大的四位数和最小的五位数相差 a 1 b 1000 c 8999 3 过直线外一点画已知直线的垂线,这样的垂线有 a 1条 b 两条 c 无数条。99 246用简便方法计算是 a 99 1 246 b 246 1 99 c 246 99 246 937 299万,里最大...


四年级 品德与社会 一 填空部分 1 活着就要做个对社会有益的人 这是 张海迪 的信念,她先后翻译了数十万字的英语 编著了 生命的追问 轮椅上的梦 绝顶 等书籍。创作和翻译的的作品超过 100 万字。2 邻里相处是 相互 的,你 帮助 别人越多,你得到的 帮助 就越多。好的邻里关系会给大家带来 方便...