
发布 2020-03-18 18:05:28 阅读 3755


1.我要了i’ll take it

2.多少(钱)how much

3.一双/一对 a pair of

4.运动鞋sport shoes

5.一条裤子a pair of trousers

6..一条牛仔裤a pair of jeans

7.一双鞋 __a pair of shoes

8..一件黑色的连衣裙a black dress

9.五十镑fifty pounds10.四十元forty yuan

11.好吧 that’s all right12.给你here you are.

13.男式衬衫 man’s shirt14.女式衬衫blouse

15.那戴着白帽子的男孩that boy with a white cap

16.那穿着一件黑白色的大衣的妇女 that woman in a black-and-white coat

17.一个美国女孩 an american girl

18.那个长着长的金色头发的女士that lady with long blonde hair

19.一个澳大利亚教师an australian teacher

20.谈论talk about21.一位电影明星a movie star

22.一个诚实的孩子an honest child 23.长大grow up

24…….呢?what about25.一个好职业a good job

26一个卡车司机 a truck driver 27.一个工厂工人a factory worker

28.商店售货员shop assistant29.一位银行职员a bank clerk

30.正迁进 moving in31.放学after school

32.下课after class33.再见 see you

34.一个独生子the only child35.一个救护车驾驶员an ambulance man

36.灭火put out fire37.病人the sick people

38.抓罪犯catch criminal39.检查牙齿check teeth

40.帮助我们学习 help us (to) learn 41.在……的顶部 at the top of

42.下来get down43.在家at home

44.在商店帮忙 help in a shop 45.送信deliver letters

46.在大约十二点at about twelve o’clock

47.吃早饭h**e breakfast

48.是……的时候了。it’s time to… 49.上学go to school

50.回家 go back home51.太晚too late

52.上班go to work

53.起床get up

54.睡觉go to bed55.回来come back

56.踢足球play football57.打篮球play basketball

58.在星期四on thursday59.玩扑克play cards

60.从……到…… from …to61.帮助(某人)做(某事)help…with..

62.去购物go shopping63.过得愉快h**e a good time

64.做作业do one’s homework65.出去go out

66.玩游戏play games67.打乒乓球play table tennis

68.打羽毛球play badminton 69.扫地sweep the floor

70.做家务do housework71.打扫房屋clean the house

72.洗衣服wash clothes73.打扫每一件东西clean up everything

74.做园艺工作do gardening 75.喂宠物feed the pet

76.玩球类游戏play ball games 77.去游泳go swimming

78.和宠物玩play with the pet

79.看电视watch tv


a new classmate一位新同学student number学号ten years old十岁what about怎样walk to school go to school on foot步行上学every day每天play basketball打篮球。climb a tree爬树coun...


一。将下列词组翻译成英文。1 这些玩具动物2.孩子们。3.喜欢鸭子4.一只可爱的猫。5.这只可爱的狗6.这些棕色的狮子。7.那些大鸟8.一头大象。9.一头小象10.三匹玩具马。11.五只小猴子12.又可爱又胖。13.两只黑白相间的熊猫14.看着老虎。15.在圆木上16.在垫子上。17.跟着我跑18....


4a词组过关。班级 姓名 dogs 喜欢狗。toy animals 这些玩具动物 horse 这匹马。and fat 可爱又胖的 elephant 一只大象 the tree 在树上 monkey 小猴子。the tree在树上 长在树上的 the log 在木头上 my bag拿我的包 the m...