
发布 2020-03-18 09:19:28 阅读 6592


笔试部分 (60%)

一、判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”不同的打“x”。 3%)

)1. fat fan2. bed red

) 3. too zoo4. cake key

) whose6. nice seven


) 1. a. sevenb. onec. computer

) 2. a. readb. copyc. cap

) 3. a. yourb. shec. my

) 4. a. smartb. cinemac. supermarket

) scarfb. glovesc. green

) morning b. afternoonc. plane


1. 我的钱包2. 一件小毛衣。

3. 她的钥匙4. 四支圆珠笔。

5. 用英语6. 没什么,不要紧。

7. in which school bag8. a glass of milk

9. give me a pair of socks10. try…on

long down


) 1. -this isdoll, i think

yes, it’sdoll.

a. your; my b. your;his c. his;your

) 2. my jeanstoo long.

a .areb. isc. am

) 3. —where's my pen

a. it's over there. b. it's my pen. c. yes, it is .

) 4. do you like that

a. a rulerb. balloonsc. puppet

) 5i h**e a copybooksu yang

a. may; forb. do; toc. do; for

) get up __6:00___the morning.

a .at, atb. on, inc. at, in

) 7. what’s eighty minus eleven? it’s

a. ninety-oneb. sixty-nine c. eighty-seven

) 8a nice toy car !

a. howb. whatc. is

) 9. —i’ve got a new dress. look, it’s nice.

i like the colourit’s too short.

a. butb. andc. that

) 10. —i’m tired

a. here’s some water b. sit down, please. c. h**e a pie.

) 11. (he) is an english manhe) hair is yellow.

a. he; hisb. she; herc. he; her

) 12. the new pen and the bookmarkbe) for the girl.

a. areb. isc. be

) you like thisyes, i do. i like

a. kite; kite kites c. kites; kite

) go to school now? ok. goodbye, mum.

are ) 15it’s time __h**e lunch.

h**e c. to


( )1、what’s that over his brother’s.

) 2、good nightb. that’s all right.

) 3、where’s my water bottlec. ok. let’s go.

) 4、what’s twenty and thirtyd. no,we don’t.

) 5、what time do you h**e breakfast? e. good night.

) 6、whose socks are theyf. at seven forty-five..

) 7、do you like dollsg. thank you very much.

) 8、shall we go by bikeh. it’s an umbrella.

) 9、here’s a crayon for youi. fifty.

( )10、i’m sorry. i’m on the table


) 1. 当你的弟弟饿了时,你可以说:

a. here’s a cake for you. b. here’s a cup of tea for you.

c. why don’t you go to bed?

( )2. 你在教室里吃零食时,老师看见了,会对你说:

a. eat in the classroom. b. you can eat in the classroom.

c. don’t eat in the classroom.

) 3. 当你进入商店告诉营业员想买一个玩具熊时,你可以说:

a. the bear is nice. b. i’d like a toy bear.

c. i’d like a toy panda .

) 4. 你想询问现在几点,你可以说:

a. what’s this, please? b. what’s the time, please?

c. where is the time?

) 5. 你想询问某人身体是不是不舒服时,你可以说:

a. who are you? b. what’s that? c . what’s the matter?


2012 2013学年度第一学期期末考试试卷分析。本试卷内容紧紧围绕课本和练习册,所有的 都出自课本和练习册,只要掌握好基础知识,就能考出好的成绩。现根据本次考试的答卷情况,对每一题进行具体分析。listenandjudge.本题为听力,所出内容为课本内容,本题得分率不理想,约占65 出错的较多,而...


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