
发布 2020-03-18 08:54:28 阅读 2188



一. 看图写出单词。(20分)

二. 将英语与对应的汉语用线连起来。(15分)scarf电脑。

teddy bear风筝。




三. 将正确答案的序号填到括号里。(20分)) coat is ( f**ourite.

) gloves ( these?

) many days are there in a week ?

)4.—is your skirt new?

no,it is( )

)5.--is the computer?

it is on the desk.

) play ( my teddy bear.

aon ) a game ( saturday afternoons.

) ming draw a picture( )his story.

)9.( do you do ( home?

) nice.


)1、a、shirt b、skirt c、colour)2、a、orange b、brown c、party)3、a、friday b、week c、monday)4、a、wash b、brush c、music)5、a 、moring b、story c、evening五、情景对话。(15分)


is he wearing?

clothes is he wearing?


like my library

like my bedroom


day is it?

b.how day is it?


is the computer?

is the computer?


read a book at home

clean my bedroom in the evening六、根据对话内容,将对话补充完整并将答案写在括号里。(15分)litao:hello, we go to li ming`s birthday do you want to wear?

liling:( 1 )

litao:i like your t-shirt.( 2 )liling( 3 )?

litao:i wear my f**ourite trousers.

liling:what colour are they?

litao:( 4 )

liling:you look very cool.

litao:( 5 )

is nice. are black.

want to wear my yellow t-shirt.

do you wear?


2012 2013学年度第一学期期末考试试卷分析。本试卷内容紧紧围绕课本和练习册,所有的 都出自课本和练习册,只要掌握好基础知识,就能考出好的成绩。现根据本次考试的答卷情况,对每一题进行具体分析。listenandjudge.本题为听力,所出内容为课本内容,本题得分率不理想,约占65 出错的较多,而...


一 自我介绍 welcome to my class.my name is zhang shanshan.my english name is vivi.so you can call me vivi.i m a sagittarius.i am an outgoing,loving person....


小学2012 2013学年度第二学期阶段性调研测试。四年级英语试卷 60分 一 英汉互译。10分 1.一位新医生2.你的父亲。3.那位厨师4.两个学生。5.我的朋友6.climb trees 7.how old8.let s hurry 9.good evening10.which one 二 选择...