
发布 2020-03-18 08:18:28 阅读 2957




听力部分。一、听音,在句子中圈出听到的的词语 。

1 .beijing is bigger (than , then ) qingzhou.

2. they can the (erhu , zither ).

3. qingdao is in the (east ,west )

4. now my hair is ( long , strong )

5. grandparents (talked ,walked )in the park .

6. she’s a (nice , nine )teacher .

7. amy had a (cold ,fever )yesterday.

8. you were so (cute , naughty ) then .

9. the robots can (take , make ) cakes .

10. i ( think , thank ) she’s worse .


)1、a、yes ,he did . b . no , i didn’t .

)2、a . yes , she was . b. no , i wasn’t.

)3、a、i was 2 then . b. they are my grandparents .

) 4、a、beijing is the capital of china .

b .sanya is the famous city in china .

)5、a . it’s in the east . b、it’s in the north .


) 昨天奶奶做鱼了。

) amy 头疼。

) sam 比大明年龄小。

) 三亚在南方。

) 在那时他们年轻。


were , bought , happened , went , carried ,

head , ride , fell , bumped , thirsty .

whatto daming’ssam and damingfor a bike __yesterday . and then theyhungry andso theya watermelon .samthe watermelon on the bike .

then samoff his bike .and the watermelondaming ‘s head .


a. helped , b. north , c. worse , d. naughty , e. hot, f. erhu

1. clever , shy , cute __2. walked , talked, bumped __

3. east, west, south4. better ,shorter , older

5. zither , guitar, drums __6 . cold ,windy ,sunny __


1. 跌落2. 在西部。

3. pop music4. be quite


watched , were , was , helped , did , phoned , went , bought , had , walked

phone __help __are __do __watch __

h**e __isbuy __go __walk


)1、beijing is than qingzhou . a smaller b biger c bigger

)2、it will in hangzhou .a raining b rain c rainy

)3、she’ll go swimming monday .a on b at c in

)4、it’s a book england .a for b about c to

)5、are you naughty ?a yes, i am b yes ,i is. c yes ,i are .

)6、today is and tomorrow is friday .a tuesday b wednesday c thursday

)7、the robot can .a walk b walking c walks

)8、will they read books tomorrow ?

a yes, they won’t b yes, they can . c yes ,they will .

)9、the elephant is than the monkey .a thinner b fater c fatter

)10、is sam stronger than lingling?a yes, he isn’t . b yes, he isc no, he is .


1、is than the great wall older the summer palace (

2、hot guangzhou be will it (

3、you will take ball your

4、capital england of is london the

5、teacher nice is a ms smart


)1 did you help your mother yesterday?? a. it ‘s in the east .

)2、will it be cold t omorrowb .yes, she was .

)3、was amy naughtyc .yes, it will .

)4、where is new yorkd . it ‘s lingling .

)5、who is shee. no, i didn’t.


i h**e a happy family. my father is a policeman. he is tall.

he likes to play basketball . my mother is a teacher. she likes to watch tv and read books.

i am a pupil. i am a boy. i like to play on the computer.

i am shorter than my father and my mother. we like to eat noodles. we like to go for a walk after supper.

we are a happy family.

) are three people in my family .;

) father is taller than me .

) father likes to play basketball.

) mother is a teacher.

) are a happy family.


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