
发布 2020-03-11 04:31:28 阅读 1277


1.将会有there will be…

将会有…吗will there be…?

是的,会/不,不会 yes, there will./no, there won’t.

2.在家通过电脑学习 study at home on computers

3.免费的be free

4.只在电脑上only on computers

5.活到二百岁live to be 200 years old

6.一百年以后in 100 years

7.更少的人fewer people

8.更少的空闲时间 less free time

9.更少的污染less pollution

1.电脑工程师computer programmer

2.乘火车上学take the train to school

3.乘火箭去月球fly rockets to the moon

4.在空间站on the space station

5.爱上fall in love with

6.作为一名记者as a reporter

7.遇见很多有趣的人 meet many interesting people

8.和我最好的朋友住在一所公寓 live in an apartment with my best friends

9.一个人住live alone

10.著名的预言famous predictions

11.成真come true

12.…的总裁the head of…

13.最大的电影公司之一 one of the biggest movie companies

14.看见某人做某事 see sb. do sth.

15.被…所应用be used by


___ten years, sheshe’ll live in shanghai, because shelast year.__a reporter, she will __lots of interesting people. she’ll livewith her best friends, because she doesn’t likeshe can’t h**e __now because her mother __them.

she will h**e many different pets even athe week , she willand will wearon weekend, she will be able toshe thinks she

will go to hong kong on vacation.


表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反**生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow, next week, next year 等。

如:i will go to my hometown next week.

二、 一般将来时结构:

肯定式:主语 + will + 动词原形。

否定式:主语 + won’t + 动词原形。

一般疑问句:will + 主语 + 动词原形…?

简略回答:yes, …will. no, …won’t.

对应练习。1. i think there will be more pollution.


i __think there __be more pollution.

2. he will h**e a good time.


hea good time.

he __a good time?

3. mary will get home at nine this evening.


mary get home?

4. he goes to school every day.(用next week改写句子)

heto school next week.

few 和 little 的区别。

less 是 little 的比较级,修饰不可数名词。

例: i h**e less money than he has.

fewer 是 few的比较级,修饰可数名词。

more 是 much 和 many 的比较级。

例: there are more buildings in this city than

in that city.

much 修饰不可数名词, many 修饰可数名词。

用more, less, fewer 填空。

1. we plant trees every year, there will be __trees.

2. if we waste water, there will be __water.

3. if every family has a baby, there will be __people.

4. i think english ispopular than chinese.

5. there will be __robots everywhere, and humans will h**e __work to do.

6. there will be __free time when people retire.

答案:根据课文填空in;will be a reporter;fell in love with it;as;meet;in an apartment;living alone;pets;hates;pet parrot;during;look smart;a suit;dress more casually;

对应练习1. don’t will;2. won’t h**e ;will h**e 3. when will 4. will go

填空 1. more 2. less 3. fewer 4. more 5. more less 6. more


不让…进入 keep out

时装等)过时 out of style

时髦的 in style

足够的钱 enough money

和…吵架(2) argue with sb.=h**e an argument with sb.

一份兼职工作 a part-time job

其他的什么… what else

**cd太大声play cds too loud

入睡go to sleep

怎么了?(3) what’s the problem?

what’s the matter?=what’s wrong?

我应该怎么做? what should i do?

你可以… you could

你应该… you should

你不应该… you shouldn’t

给…写一封信(2)write sb. a letter=writ to sb.

给…打**(3) call sb. up=ring sb. up=give sb. a call

在**上 on the phone

给…一个惊喜(3) surprise sb=give sb. a surprise

make sb. surprised

一场球赛的门票a ticket to a ball game

为某物付款 pay for

获得一个兼职工作get a part-time job

从某人处借某物 borrow sth. from sb.

向某人要… ask sb. for sth.

**面包或糕饼 bake sale

青少年论坛 teen talk

收音机提建议节目 radio advice program

为某人买某物 buy sth for sb.=buy sb. sth

加入一个俱乐部 join a club

请一个家教 get a tutor


tell your friend to get different clothes

把你的家庭作业忘在家里le**e your homework at home

丢失了你的运动服 lose your sports clothes

上体育课h**e class

更受欢迎more popular


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