
发布 2020-02-24 10:08:28 阅读 3530


)1、aseven b. egg c. evening() cat b.

lake c. cake() b park c. warm() b.

bus c. subway()5. anineb fish c.


六、选择。) usually go to school __b.

)2. tom’s father is __accountment .his mother works in __aban; ac. an; an

)3it’s in the front the school.

post officeb. where’s the post offfice?c.

is this a post office() 4. -what does your father do

is a teacher. b. he goes to by bus .

c. he likes yellow.()5.

does the water come __the cloud? to c. from七、根据汉语完成句子。

1. my aunt goesa to hong kong坐飞机)2. i’m going to buy a漫画书)for my brother.

3. -what is your hobby?—i like看电视)

4. amy is going to to be a作家)。john is going to be an __工程师)5.

the太阳) shines and the水) becomes vapour.八.给下列句选择合适的答语。

)1. where is the bank?a.

i go by bus.()your hobby?b.

i like waching tv.()this your room?c.

.he’s a cleaner.

)4. how do you go to the cinema?d.

it’s nextto the cinema.()does your father do?e.

yes ,it is.九、连词成句。

1. you whatthegoing on do are weekend to (?


3. dohow doyou that ?

4. etampshecollectinglikes.

5. to shanghaibyhe goestrain .


jim lives in a city with his wife. he is a car designer. he works in a car company.

it is not far fromhis home, so he goes to work on foot every day. hiswife is a worker, she works in a factory . it’sfar from her home , she goes to work by car.

when she drives the car, she is very carefully(小心).when the light is red, she stops. when the light is yellow, she won’t go until(直到)the light is always sys that we must obey (遵守)the traffic rules.

()1. jim and his wife live in a city.()2.

jim and his wife are workers.()goes to wok by car.

) 4. jim’s wife goes to work by car.

)5. we must obey the traffic rules.十一。写作。

要求:请你用英语给大家介绍一下你的爸爸。可以从外貌特征、之夜、上班方式、兴趣爱好等方面写。不少于五句话。my father



)1. a. catb.

actorc cinema() 2. a. dogb.

notebookc. hobby() 3. acut b.

but c. hungry

) 4. a. stream b. teacher c. bread

)5. adoctor b . sports c. pork六、选择。

)1floor do you live on? -the fifth floor, room 5. b.

when c. which() 2. i often go to school __foot .

simetimes i go to school __by b. by, by c. by , on

)3where is the library? a. hello c. excuse me

)4.–is there a library near herea. yes, there are b.

yes, there is c. no, there is() going to buy a magazine __plants. a.

and b with c. about

) 6.–what’s your hobby? -i like __basketball.

b. play c. plays()7–does youe mother wash clothes

a. yes, she doesn’tb. yes, she does. he doesn’t

)8. -what does your father do

a. she is a nurse. is tall and he is a teacher.

()9. my mother is __a b. an c.

不填。)10where does the vapoura. come from b. come in c. come on七、完成句子。

1.__at a red light. _at a yellow light. go at a green going to buy some漫画书。

3 tom’s mother is __售货员。his father is a __警察4.–where is the __电影院?

--it’s next to the___医院。5. he likes做风筝。


h**e to the get park ?

2. going a i’m post card buy to

3. hobby what your isa moother’s ?

4. does she how to go work ?

5. should you then do what?

九、排列句子顺序a. how do you do that ?b. i’m goingto plant a tree.

c. water it and wait for it to dig the soil.

e. put the plant in the soil.十、阅读理解。

room. he is outside. he is washing his car .

the car is new and very beautiful. so he looksafteritverywell. jimisin sue?

she’s in the bedroom with her friend, ann. they are watching the animal world.()1.

there are __people in mr brown’s family? a. six b.

four c. two

) brown is __a. cooking the meals b. watching tv c.

washing his car() 3. mr brown looks after __very mrs brown b. his daughter c.

his car()4 who are playing outside? amrs brown and sue b. some boys c.

sue and ann()5 sue and ann are __tv in the living room

football i the open airc. watching tv in sue’s bedroom十。




my good friend


六年级上学期第一单元复习重点四会部分 2008 09 17 09 45 17 一。四会 能听 说 读 写 单词和短语。by经 乘 foot脚bike自行车bus公共汽车train火车how怎样go to school上学traffic交通traffic lights交通灯trafficrules交通...


一 学情分析1.班级情况分析。六年级的同学已经学了三年的英语,有了一定的英语基础,本学期我教六年级一班和二班,一班共有学生40人,其中男生22人,女生18人,二班共有学生40人,其中男生18人,女生22人。学生对英语表现出浓厚兴趣,能运用英语进行初步的交际。学生大多基础知识掌握良好,掌握了一定的技能...


首先要提高学生自学的兴趣,特别要注重知识点与现实的社会现象和生活紧密结合,让学生感受到我现在学的这些知识将来是有用的。避免学生为学而学,学无目标。枯燥无味。把课堂还给学生,就是要让学生在课堂里有充分展示自己的时间与空间。这样,要求每位教师在备课过程中,要科学地安排时间,教师的授课与解释,与学生自学 ...