
发布 2020-02-21 04:00:28 阅读 9489

unit6 topic1 单词预习卷(1)p25-27

提高词汇。unit6 topic1 单词堂测卷(1)

1. i wwatch sports shows.

2. i fenglish last year.

3. do you like the星座)?

4. h**e you ever listened to vof america(voa)?

5. it’s fenough for you to do so.

6. hedie than give up.(他宁死不屈。)

unit6 topic1 单词预习卷(2)p28-31

提高词汇。unit6 topic1 单词堂测卷(2)

1从前), there is a hill.

2. he laughs突然地).

3. he hit me on the s

4. i don’t think he is an hman, is he?

5. voa svoice of america.

6. i don’t like sbut i do like to watch korean s

unit6 topic1 单词测验。

unit6 topic1 单词堂测卷(1)

1. i wwatch sports shows.

2. i fenglish last year.

3. do you like the星座)?

4. h**e you ever listened to vof america(voa)?

5. it’s fenough for you to do so.

6. hedie than give up.(他宁死不屈。)

unit6 topic1 单词堂测卷(2)

1从前), there is a hill.

2. he laughs突然地).

3. he hit me on the s

4. i don’t think he is an hman, is he?

5. voa svoice of america.

6. i don’t like sbut i do like to watch korean s

unit6 topic2 单词预习卷(1)p33-37

提高词汇。unit6 topic2 单词堂测卷(1)

1. our dog may look fierce but he wouldn't hurt a f


2. he g**e the baby a tender


3. shethe boy gently.


4. he g**e me no chance toto his question.


5. h**e you


unit6 topic2 单词预习卷(2)p38-39

提高词汇。unit6 topic2 单词堂测卷(2)

1. speech is silver; silence is谚]雄辩是银,沉默是金。

2. your future here is g你在这里的前途是光辉灿烂的。

3. there are fourin a car. 一辆汽车有四只轮子。

4. i can smy guns. 我能够坚持自己的主张。

5. we must sour task till it is finished.


6. she walked too slowly tous.


7. i h**e to work hard tothe other students.


8. he will beas soon as the fine is paid.


unit6 topic2 单词测验。

1. our dog may look fierce but he wouldn't hurt a f


2. he g**e the baby a tender他给了婴儿一个温柔的吻。

3. shethe boy gently. 她温柔地吻了那个孩子。

4. he g**e me no chance toto his question.


5. h**e you你下定决心了吗?

1. speech is silver; silence is谚]雄辩是银,沉默是金。

2. your future here is g


3. there are fourin a car. 一辆汽车有四只轮子。

4. i can smy guns. 我能够坚持自己的主张。

5. we must sour task till it is finished.


6. she walked too slowly tous.


7. i h**e to work hard tothe other students.


8. he will beas soon as the fine is paid.


unit6 topic3 单词预习卷(1)p41-42

提高词汇。unit6 topic3 单词堂测卷(1)

1. please excuse my bad请原谅我的字写得不好。

2. his poorcan not be read by himself.


3. the teacher wrote on the blackboard with


4. my mother bought aeggs. 我妈妈买了一打鸡蛋。

5. i lost severallast month. 我上个月瘦了好几磅。

6. he arrived in this country six years ago without a p


7. i only h**e a few pwith me. 我身上只有几个便士。

8. she's got dof boy friends. 她的男朋友多极了。

9. fshe just smiled, and then she started to laugh.


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