2019小学英语毕业试卷 田芳

发布 2020-02-12 10:42:28 阅读 4726



听力部分。i. 听对话,在与听到内容相符的**下的括号内打“√”8%


abab abab

abab ii. 听问句,选择正确的回答。 8%

1.( a. i am elevenb. i am fine. thanks.

2.( a. i am from americab. i like america very much.

3.( a. there are five booksb. i can see five books.

4.( a. my mother is a doctorb. my mother likes football.

5.( a. it isthursdayb. it is june 21st.

6.( a. she likes musicb. she is tall and strong.

7.( a. zhangpeng is 160cm tall. b. zhangpeng is taller than lily.

8a. i cleaned my bedroom. b. i clean my bedroom.

iii.听对话,判断句子对错。 6%

1. bai ling is going to get up at 7:30

2. bai ling is going to visit her grandparents with her sister. (

3. in the afternoon, bai ling and her grandparents are going to go fishing. (

4. bai ling has no time to do homework

5. bai ling is going to watch tv at 6 o'clock

6. today is friday


my name's lucy. i like __i like cats and i like my___on the weekend, i always __homework . but last weekend, i went to the park with my dad and mom.

there are many people there. i __some boys and girls. they __some english songs.

who was the boy in blue? he was d**id. he __with a skateboard.

the girl near him was nancy. she watered the trees. we___to a flower shop.

i wanted to buy some flowers for my grandmother. because her __s coming.

笔试部分。i. 判断下列划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的打“√”不相同的打“×”8%

) 1. it ice2. best feet

) 3. boat goat4. fine leaf

) 5. purple girl6. yes try

)7. apple name8. three these

ii. 找出下列各组单词中与其他两个单词不同类的单词。6%

) 1. a. doctorb. fatherc. teacher

) 2. a. schoolbagb. subwayc. plane

) 3. a. cloudyb. rainyc. sunday

) 4. a. pandab. smallerc. tiger

) 5. a. eastb. southc. right

) 6. a. beefb. muttonc. cow


(照例写) china2. let us(缩写形式。


5. by (同音词6. big (比较级。

7. old (2个反义词。

iv.. 选择填空。10%

) 1. -look at the elephant.

wow, it has

a. a long noseb. a long tailc. a small body

) 2. -87378488mike. what are you doing?

i am reading a book.

a. this isb. i amc. he is

) 3. -when is new year's day?

it 's on

a. sept 10thb. december 25thc. january 1st

( )4she live in yuyao?

-- no, she lives in ningbo.

a. isb. doc. does

)5are the apples ?

ten yuan.

a. how muchb. how manyc. how old

)6. -how tall are you, amy?

i am 160cm __and i am __than ann.

a. tall; stallb. tall; tallerc. taller; tall

) 7. -what’s tom’s hobby?

hea. is watching tvb. is kindc. likes swimming

) 8. -are therein your school?

yes, there are.

a. a flowerb. some flowersc. any flowers

) 9. -what is wu yifan’s grandmother doing?


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