
发布 2020-01-04 02:28:28 阅读 6728

2018 高考必备短语。

ask sb for help请求帮助。

ask for trouble自找麻烦。

broke- broken)

break away from sb从团体中)脱离出去;摆脱某人;离开。

break intovt)闯入(某处行窃)

break invi)闯进(行窃);插话,打断谈话。

break throughvt)冲破/突破(vt)(太阳)冲破(云层)突破(vi)

break into pieces打碎。

break outvi)战争,疾病,火灾的)爆发。

break upvi) (关系/婚姻)破裂;散会/结束;放假;(vt/vi)(使)破碎; (vt)分拆/分解某物;驱散(人群)

break offvi)突然停止说话(vt)断绝/结束(关系)(vt)折断。

break downvi)(车)坏了;(身体)垮了;(谈判)失败;(vt)分解;



1) some onemy car and stole my radio.

2) thievesand stole 10,000 worth of computer equipment

3) does everyone know what to do if a fire

4) he is a very talented young actor who is just ready to

5) the printing machines are always

6) theythe national union and set up their own local organization.

7) he lost his job and his marriage

8) hein mid-sentence to shake hands with the new arrivals

1)broke into 2)broke in3) breaks out 4)break through

5) breaking down 6)broke away from 7) broke up 8) broke off

brought -brought)

bring forward提出; 将……提前。

bring out 使显现,使表现出;出版;发表; 把……拿出来。

bring out the best/worst in sb

bring in 引进/采用(新的法律);使挣到,使赚到。

bring sth. to mind使想起,回忆起。

bring sth to an end使终止。

bring up 提起;养育;呕吐。

bring sth/sb back to life使。生动/活泼。

bring about引起;导致;造成。

bring back使回忆起,使想起;拿回来;使恢复。

bring down减少,降低。


1) the sale of the house onlyabout $ 24,000

2) the government has__new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime.

3) alcohol justthe worst in her

4) heby his aunt

5) isome photos to show you

6) how can wea change in attitudes?

7) the tripa lot of happy memories.

8) the government hopes these measures will help toinflation.

答案。1) brought in 2) brought forward 3) brings out 4) was brought up

5) h**e brought along 6) bring about 7) brought back 8) bring down

-caught -caught)

catch sight of看到;发现。

catch up with赶上。

catch/seize/take hold of突然)抓住。

catch one’s attention/eye吸引某人的注意。

catch sb doing发现、撞见、当场抓住(某人正在干不想让你知道胡事)

be/get caught in困在……

catch a glimpse of看一眼某人/某物。


1) out on freeway, a billboard

2) ihim in the crowd

3) i caught himread) my e-mails

4) wein a rainstorm on they way here.

5)drive faster---they areus

答案。1) caught my eye 2) caught sight of 3) reading 4) got caught in 5)catching up with

5. come ( come -came -come)

come about发生;产生。

come back回来。

come byvi. 顺便来访。

come over to过来;顺便拜访。

come into use开始使用。

come to an end结束;终止。


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