
发布 2020-01-03 19:55:28 阅读 9257

1. by the name of叫…名字be named after以…命名。


natural resources3. nature大自然the beauty of nature innature本质上what in nature doyou mean ?你到底指的是…意思?

4. not nearly = far from远非it's not nearly so easy as you think.这决非你想的那样简单。

5. necessarily必要地it's not necessarily so.未必如此。

the rich are notnecessarily happy.6. essentially本质地he is essentially kind.


必要的ifnecessary如有必要it'snecessarythatsb(should)do...8. meet one's needs满足需求be in need of需要there is no need for sbto do ..

9. negative否定的,消极的,give a negative answer否定回答negative criticism消极批评。

10. neglect one's duties neglect one's meals and sleeps废寝忘食neglect to do= forget to do11. nerve神经lose one's nerve = lose one's courage失去勇气。

h**e the nerve to do有胆量做…

12. nervous神经紧张的be nervous about13. net网,净余的net weight净重net profit净利润。

14. nevertheless不过;仍然in spit of that = nonethelessthere was no news; nevertheless we went on hoping.15.

at night by night利用黑夜h**e a good night .睡好。

16. i h**e no money to buy books. he is no artist.他算不上一个艺术家。say noto否认。


it is no use/good doing ..in no time马上no wonder怪不得no1/2longer不再。

no doubt无疑i h**e no doubt thatthere is no doubt that ..no more than两者都不had no sooner…than一…就…

no并非it is no easy workwe h**e no such luck.17. noble高尚的;宏伟的a man of noble birth出生高贵的人a noble building宏伟的建筑。

18. nod at sb朝…点头he nodded at me to continue.他点头示意我继续。

19. none of the students is/are ..none but只有they choose none but the best.

他们只挑最好。noneotherthan不是别人正是…heisnoneotherthanour headmaster.20.

talk nonsense胡说talk business谈正经事。

make nonsense of搅乱the depression made nonsense of our plan.21. not at all.

别客气。not only ..but also不仅…而且…


22. take note记笔记a note of thanks感谢信。

23. h**e nothing to do with与…无关to say nothing of何况;更不必说。

24. take no notice of = pay no attention to不加以注意without notice不事先通知。

notice sb do注意…做完了…notice sb doing注意…正在做…

25. now that既然;由于now that we h**e no money, we can’t buy a new now①right away刚刚。

now现在from now on从现在开始。

a number of大量的。

the number of…的数目。


高考词汇表 g 1.give sb a general idea of给 一个大致了解a general secretary秘书长。it is generally believed that.人们普遍认为。2.generous慷慨的,大方的。be generous with one s money ...

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