
发布 2020-01-03 07:54:28 阅读 1648


1. enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事。

this boy enjoys watching tv.

like doing sth./ like to do sth. 喜欢做某事。

i like singing, but i don’t like to sing now.

2. feel like sth/ doing sth.(=want sth/to do sth) 想要做某事。

i don’t feel like eating anything now.

3. thank sb for sth/ doing sth.谢谢某人做某事。

thank you for helping us.

4. would like sth/ to do sth= want sth/ to do sth. 想要某物或做某事。

1) would you like some apples? yes, please./ no, thanks.

2) would you like to go swimming with us?=

will/would/can/could you please (not)go swimming with us?

5. keep /stop/prevent/protect sth/ sb. from doing sth.阻止…做某事。

we must stop the wind from blowing the earth away.

6. stop (give up)doing sth. 停止做某事/ stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事。

1) when the teacher came in , they stopped speaking.

2) i’ m very tired, let’s stop to h**e a rest.

7. tell/ask/warn sb. (not) to do sth.告诉/请求/警告某人(不)做某事。

1) the teacher told us not to be late for school.

2) she asked me to help her yesterday.

8. a:what’s the weather like today?= how is the weather today?

b: it’s windy/raining(rainy).

9. make/ let sb/sth(not) do sth.迫使/让某人(不)做某事。

1) it makes me feel happy.

2) let the boys not play football on the road.

10. keep doing sth.继续做某事/ keep sb. doing sth.使某人保持某种状态。

1) he kept watching tv for an hour.

2) i’m sorry i kept you waiting so long.

11. how about sth/ doing sth.= what about sth/ doing sth. …怎么样?

a: what about going for a walk?

b: good idea.

12. what do you think of sth/sb.= how do you like sb./ sth?你觉得…怎么样?

a: what do you think of china?

b: it’s great.

13. how to make a phone call in english.(打**的术语)

1). may/can/ could i (please )speak to sb.?(我可以找某人接**吗?)

peaking.(请讲)/ wait a moment(等一会儿)./hold on for a moment.

2). is that sb. speaking? (你是某人吗?) yes, it is.(是的,我是)/ no, it isn’t.

3). who is that /it speaking?(你是谁?)

4). this is sb. speaking.(我是某人)

14. be made of/ be made from由…制成。

be made in 生产在。

1) this desk is made of wood.

2) ***** is made from wood.

3) this kind of tv set is made in xian.

15. keep sth. +adj 保持…怎么样。

we must keep our classroom clean.(我们必须保持教室干净)

16. happen to sb/sth.某人或某物发生…

what happened to you?= what’s wrong with you?

17. one… the other(two)/the others…一个…另(两个)…

some… others… 一些… 其他…

1) i h**e two brothers, one is at work, the other is at school.

2) i h**e three books, one is new, the other two(the others) are old.

3) some students are digging, others are planting trees.

another 又一, 再一(超出所指范围)

4) i don’t want these books, can you show me another one?

18. use …for sth./ doing sth.用…做…

this cup is used for drinking.

19. change/turn/put/translate sth into sth.把…变成…

can you put this sentence into english?

20. it takes sb. some time to do sth.花费某人多少时间做某事。

a:how long does it take you to finish your homework every day?

b:it takes me two hours to finish my homework every day.

21. get on(上)/off (下)the train/ plane/ bus

get in(to)(上)/ out of(下) the car/ boat/lift

22. cover…with…用…覆盖…

the ground is covered with grass.

23. finish doing sth.完成做某事。

when you h**e finished reading a message. click on “close.

24. be good/ bad for对…有好/坏处。

walking is good for your health.

25. what’s a “moment”?=what’s the meaning of a “moment”?=

what does a “moment” mean?= what do you mean by a “moment”?

26. be connected to sb.

i am connected to everybody in the world.

27. be busy doing sth.

be busy with sth.

she is busy doing her homework.

28. spend…on sth.在某方面花费/ spend ….in doing sth.花费…做某事。

1) i spend two hours on my homework.=

2) i spend two hours (in)doing my homework.

29. 1) i spent three yuan on this book.

2) i paid three yuan for this book.

3) this book cost me three yuan.

30. as…as…和…一样/not as(so)…as…

1) this book is as interesting as that one.

2) she doesn’t come to school so early as i ( do).

31. too many+名词的复数形式。

too much+不可数名词。

much too+形容词或副词原形。

1) there are too many people, so it is hot.

2) there is too much snow in the street, so it’s much too cold.

32. both/ either

1) there are many trees on both sides of the street.

2) there are many trees on either ( each) side of the street.

33. any (任何一个,指三者或三者以上)/ either (两者之间)

1) you can choose any day of next week.

2) either of your parents is right.

34. 形容词修饰不定代词something, anything, nothing时,要放在它们之后。

there is nothing interesting on tv today.


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