
发布 2020-01-03 05:44:28 阅读 1715


1、is this your skirt? 这是你的短裙吗?yes, it is.

2、is it sunny today? 今天天气晴朗吗?no, it isn’t.

3、is your throat sore? 你的喉咙疼吗?yes, it is.

4、is his birthday in june? 他的生日在六月吗? no, it isn’t.

5、is the cinema next to the library? 电影院与图书馆相邻吗?

yes, it is.

6、is he active? 他活跃吗? yes, he is.

7、is your father an engineer? 你爸爸是一名工程师吗? no, he isn’t.

8、is she he**ier than you ? 她比你重吗? yes, she is.

9、is sarah from canada? 莎拉来自加拿大吗? no, she isn’t.

10、is the tiger drinking water? 老虎在喝水吗? yes it is.

11、is john counting insects? 约翰在数昆虫吗? no, he isn’t

12、is she going to beijing? 她打算去北京吗? yes, she is.

13、is her father going to read news*****? 你爸爸准备看报纸吗?

no, he isn’t.

14、was it saturday yesterday? 昨天是星期六吗? yes, it was.

15、was chen jie tired last night? 陈洁昨晚累吗? no, she wasn’t.

16、are you from china? 你来自中国吗? yes, i am. /no, i’m not.

17、are your jeans blue? 你的牛仔裤是蓝色的吗? yes, they are.

18、are the days short in summer? 夏天日子短吗? no, they aren’t.

19、are they chinese teachers? 他们是语文老师吗? yes, they are.

20、are tom and mike playing chess? 汤姆和麦克在下棋吗?

no, they aren’t.

21、are the actresses going to le**e? 女演员们将要离开吗?

yes, they are.

22、were you at home last night? 你昨晚在家吗? yes, i was.

23、were you sick yesterday? 你昨天不舒服吗? no, i wasn’t.

24、is there a forest in the park? 公园里有森林吗? yes, there is.

25、is there a hospital near here? 这附近有医院吗? no, there isn’t.

26、are there any elephants in the forest? 森林里有大象吗?

yes, there are.

27、are there two end tables in your room? 你的房里有两个床头柜吗? no, there aren’t.

28、do you h**e a fever? 你发烧了吗? yes, i do.

29、do you go to school on foot? 你走路上学吗? no, i don’t.

30、do you like playing the violin? 你喜欢拉小提琴吗? yes, i do.

31do you h**e on friday? 星期五你们有体育课吗?no, we don’t.

32、do you h**e chicken for lunch on wednesday? 星期三午饭你们吃鸡肉吗? yes, we do.

33、do they get up at six in the morning? 他们早上六点起床吗?

no, they don’t.

34、do clouds come from the vapour? 云来自水蒸气吗? yes, they do.

35、do your grandparents live in the city? 你祖父母住在城市里吗?

no, they don’t.

36、does he go to work by car? 他开小车上班吗? yes, he does.

37、does your mother work in a bookstore? 你妈妈在书店工作吗?

no, she doesn’t.

38、does miss wang teach him music? 王老师教他**吗?

yes, she does.

39、does your father like reading news*****s?你爸爸喜欢看报纸吗?

no, he doesn’t.

40、does your uncle live in guangzhou? 你叔叔住在广州吗?

yes, he does.

41、does his sister like spring best? 他的姐姐最喜欢春天吗?

no, she doesn’t.

42、does the rain come from the clouds? 雨来自云吗?

yes, it does.

43、does she feel angry? 她觉得生气吗? no, she doesn’t.

44、did you see pandas in the zoo? 你在动物园里看到熊猫了吗?

yes, i did.

45、did your mother take any pictures ? 你妈妈照了**吗?

no, she didn’t.

46、did he go ice-skating there? 他在那滑冰了吗? yes, he did.

47、did amy learn chinese in china? 艾米在中国学了汉语吗?

no, she didn’t.

48、did you buy a present for your friend? 你给朋友买了礼物吗?

yes, i did.

49、did they go there by train? 他们坐火车去那吗? no, they didn’t.

50、did tom sing and dance on his holiday?汤姆假日里唱歌跳舞了吗?

yes, he did.

51、did the monkey eat a banana? 猴子吃了香蕉吗? no, it didn’t.

52、can a tiger swim? 老虎会游泳吗? yes, it can.

53、can you wash the clothes? 你会洗衣服吗?no, i can’t.



1、what is this(that, it)? 这(那,它)是什么?

--it’s a pen. 它是钢笔。

2、what are these(those, they)? 这些(那些,他们)是什么?

--they’re oranges.它们是橙子。

3、what can you do ? 你会做什么?

--i can sweep the floor.我会扫地。

4、what are you doing? 你在做什么?

--i’m doing an experiment. 我在做一个实验。

5、what do you do on the weekend? 周末你做什么?

--i usually do homework and watch tv. 我常做作业和看电视。

6、what are you going to do this weekend? 这个周末你打算做什么?

--i’m going to visit my grandparents. 我打算看望祖父母。

7、what did you do last weekend? 上个周末你做了什么?

--i saw elephants and rowed a boat. 我看了大象和划船。

your father? =what does your father do? 你的爸爸做什么工作?--he’s an engineer. 他是工程师。

9、what’s the weather like today? =how’s the weather? 今天天气怎么样?

it’s cloudy and windy. 多云大风。

10、what’s your mother like? 你妈妈是什么样子的?

she’s tall and quiet. 她又高有文静。

11、what’s your f**ourvite season(food, drink)?


-my f**ourite season is winter. 我最喜欢的季节是冬天。

12、what time is it? =what’s the time? 几点了?

--it’s 5:30. 五点三十分了。

13、what’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?

-i like collecting stamps. 我喜欢集邮。


一般问句。1 is this your skirt?这是你的短裙吗?yes,it is.2 is it sunny today?今天天气晴朗吗?no,it isn t.3 is your throat sore?你的喉咙疼吗?yes,it is.4 is his birthday in june?他...


17 are your jeans blue?你的牛仔裤是蓝色的吗?yes,they are.18 are the days short in summer?夏天日子短吗?no,they aren t.19 are they chinese teachers?他们是语文老师吗?yes,they ar...


一 陈述句 是用来陈述一件事情或表示一种看法,可分为肯定句和否定句两种形式。陈述句变为否定句。1 谓语动词是be动词,助动词h e,has,will,情态动词can等时,只要直接在这些词后面加not就构成否定形式。eg.lily has already read this new book.改为否定...