paraphrase 1 雅思同义词

发布 2020-01-03 01:57:28 阅读 4686


重要important, valuable, essential,critical, crucial, vital, indispensable,turning point, require, depend on,priority

下降decline, descend, fall, drop, slump,reduce, lessen, minimize, vanish(消失)上升raise, rise, boom, grow, soar,surge, ascend, speed up, accelerate,充足enough, sufficient, suffice,adequate, plenty, abundant

不足defective, inadequate, insufficient,scarce, shortage, lack, deplete

促进boost, promote, enhance, further,facilitate

繁荣flourish, boom, prosper, thrive

有利的beneficial, profitable, rewarding,productive,成功achievement, accomplishments,feats, pay-off

致命的deadly, fatal, lethal, mortal

优点advantageous, virtue, merit, benefit,positive side,方法approach, access减轻relieve, alleviate

退化deteriorate, degenerate, degrade落后的rudimentary, primitive

破坏devastate, destroy, demolish,damage, spoil, ruin

有害的harmful, devastating, detrimental,disastrous, destructive, catastrophic有毒的poisonous, toxic, noxious复杂的complex, complicated,sophisticated

缺点disadvantage, failing, defect, fault,weakness, negative side, drawback,flaw, shortcoming

阻碍obstacle, barrier, hurdle, hinder,快速的rapid, swift, quick, instant,immediate, prompt

渐渐的gradual, step by step, by degrees影响influence, effect, impact(负面)

干涉interfere, intervene, disturb, disrupt

很多的considerable, substantial,countless, numerous, innumerable,enormous, tremendous, dramatic,significant, vast, broad, wide, great强烈的intense, intensive, severe,extreme, drastic, explosive

基本的fundamental, basic, foundation卓越的excellent, stand out, exceptional,distinguished, remarkable,extraordinary, prominent, eminent,dominant

明显的marked, obvious, evident,apparent, remarkable

与…有关connected with, link to,associate with, relate to, involve with,concern with, with regard to, regarding,concerning, on, about

创新novel, innovative, creative, original最近的recent, current, nowadays,present, contemporary

适合的appropriate, proper, suitable, fit昂贵的expensive, costly, luxurious客观的objective, unbiased, impersonal

公平的fair, equal, equitable, impartial,just

随意的casual, random, unplanned改变transform, shift, revise, convert,turn, modify, change

提供offer, grant, supply, render, provide发送transmit, deliver, emit, give off

取代displace, take the place of, give wayto, substitute, take over

同意agree, concur, reach consensus,限制restrict, restrain, constrain, confine,bound, limit

产生create, produce, develop,manufacture, yield, generate

强调emphasize, stress, focus on,highlight, concentrate

激励motivate, spur, impetus, drivingforce, push, stimulus, thrust, incentive导致lead to, contribute to, bring about,result in, breed, induce, spark

源自于originate from, stem from, derivefrom, date back to, come from

开始start, begin, initiate, launch,commence, embark on

回忆recall, recollect, retrospect,remember, memorize

预期anticipate, forecast, predict, expect,foresee

大约approximate, about, almost, nearly能力ability, capacity, faculty,competence

环境circumstance, environment,surrounding, background, setting像like, such as, similar to, resemble





support——back——sourcesolid evidence——assuranceproperty——buildings


阅读高分前提1. paraphrase2. structure

3. grammar(main clause, subordinateclause)


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