英语考点 固定搭配

发布 2020-01-02 07:04:28 阅读 9970


aaccuse sb of sth 控告

adversity :逆境;不利。

adapt to=adjust to 适应。

a wealth of = a lot of 很多。

at the mercy of 以、、、为代价。

attach importance to =pay attention to =take notice of =lay emphasis on=place /lay stress on 重视、强调。

at the thought of 一想到、、、就、、

at the sight of 一看到、、、就、、、

at the sound of 一听到、、就、、

at、、、speed = at 、、rate (at the rate of)以、、速度。

arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做某事(后接sb 必加for)

arrange sth 安排某事。

attribute to 归因于。

assume :1)+(that):假定

2)+n. 承担-- undertake+ task/ burden/duty/responsibility 承担任务/责任。

as though =as if 如同;好像(一定要用虚拟语气—与if only 用法相同)

如:he speaks as if he were an expert now.

arrive in (大地方)/ at (小地方)

at a conclusion 得出结论 –reach/draw/come +to a conclusion

attention 关注 attend 出席正式场合。

assure sb of sth /assure sb that ..向某人保证某事。

all at once=suddenly 突然。

sb be assured that …/sb be assured of..

b back up = support 支持。

be indifferent to 对、、、冷漠。

be independent of 独立。

bed clothes 被褥 bed sheet 床单。

be likely to do 很可能做。

be skilled at 熟练做…=be good at 熟练做~~ be good for 有效的;有益身心;值得、、

be on the +(表上升或下降的名词):rise /increase/fall/drop/decline/diminish—一直上升/下降。

beyond one’s power/reach /dream/ability …超出能力、够不着、办不到。

by /in contrast 与之对照;相反。

be short of=fall short of 短缺 ;不足。

by way of =by means of =by virtue of 凭借/通过…途径 with method(s) 使用方法。

be responsible for 对…负责。

be on call 被拜访。

be obliged to 不得不;被迫做。

be capable of doing sth =be able to do sth 能够做…

enable sb to do sth 使某人能够做,be addicted to 上瘾。

be absorbed in/ be caught up in 全神贯注于…

before long=soon 不久以后~~~long before 很久以前。

but for 要不是+虚拟语气。

boarding and lodging 食宿。

c carry out =perform 执行

cannot…too 再…也不为过。

cannot help doing =cannot but do 忍不住做…/禁不住做….

convince sb of sth 使 sb 确信sth

convince sb that …

convert into 兑换;转变 converse with 谈话 convey 通知。

contribute to 对…有贡献。

contribute to 有助于;导致;造成~~ attribute to 归因于=due to =owe to

commitment 承诺;保证。

consider…as =regard…as=cheer ..as=view…as=identify…as=see…as=maintain…as 把…看作。

consider doing 正在考虑做….

catch up with 追赶上 ~~catch by the rain 困在雨中。

ddeliver a story /a speech /a lecture :讲故事/演讲/读文章。

differ from~ be different from 与。不同。

depend on /upon ~be dependent on/upon 依赖。

decline the invitation/requirement 谢绝邀请/要求。

dwell =live 住

despite 不管;不顾(介词不可跟句子)

distinguish…from ; distinguish…between…and 区别;区分。

distinguish oneself(from) 使自己出名。

define :给…下定义 :以金钱定义幸福- define happiness by money

eeach other 相互(两者间)~~one another (三者以上)

equally important +that 同等重要的是…

except that +n

exact 不多不少;刚好。

extent 程度;范围

exert /exercise a great influence/control +n 对…施加影响。

economy recession 经济衰退。

ffor one’s sake 看在…面子上;为了…

for all our kindness to help her, she didn’t listen to us 尽管我们好心帮她,但她还是不听。

for all =regardless of =irrespective of=in spite of=despite 不管;不顾;尽管。

fall back on 依靠;借助于….fall on 进攻。

ggive thought to =think about 考虑。

give priority to 优先考虑;优先做。

grant 给;授予=give

take …for granted 把…视为当然 [granted + that =granting + that = although 尽管]

go through 经历;完成~~ go over 观察;复习~~ go by 遵照。

get rid of 摆脱。

give rise to =give birth to= lend to= result in =produce 引起;产生…

hh**e no intention of doing 不打算做,h**e …to do with 与。有关 (much /noting/something/little)

h**e trouble(difficulty) doing sth 做某事有困难。

has a very reputation for ..在…方面有很高的名声。

iidentical to /with =similar 相似。

inform sb of sth /inform sb that 通知某人某事。

in itself 本质上;就其本身而言。

in demand 需求~~ in supply 供给。

in haste 匆忙

in case 以防;万一(不可用虚拟语气) ~in the case of 就、、、来说。

in least 、、should)do 以防;万一。

in that=because 因为、、、

in theory =in principle 理论上~~ in practice 实践上。

in、、、manner= in 、、fashion = in 、、way 用、、方法;在、、方面。

in sight 看得见~~ out sight 看不见。

in proportion to 与、、、成比例~~ out of proportion to 与、、不成比例。

in commenting to 短语前后表因果关系。

in virtually +数量词:几乎/ +非数量词=actually 实际上。

if only 如果、、就好了 (接虚拟语气:一般过去式 –与现在或将来事实相反/过去完成时—与事实相反)例如:if only i knew the answer now!

~~ only if 只要;只有(接真实条件句)如:i will go only if you go .

incidental—incidentally=by the way 附带;顺便提一下。

insensitivity to 对、、不敏感。

insurance against 保险 injury claim 伤害索赔~~claim victim夺取生命。

immediate result 直接后果

issue 1、发行:to issue a credit card/ a movie

2、有争议的问题 the issue of environmental protection

3、期刊 the april issue of the journal

4、固定搭配 at issue = under discussion 在讨论中。


sufffer a loss 遭受损失 not necessarily 未必,不一定。struggle with 与 作斗争。on the side of 拥护。get close to 接近。take advantage of 利用。be greatful to 对 表示感谢。be mercifu...


2012年12月大学英语六级动词词组和固定搭配1 动词十介词 副词。account for 说明 的原因,是 的原因。allow for 考虑到,顾及,为 留出预地。appeal to 诉诸,诉请裁决 或证实等 arrive at 达成,达成。ask after 探问,问起。ask for 请求,要...


abody of water 一片水域。after 在句中 用。的名字 命名 以。为模仿对像。against through storms strong winds 穿越风暴 大风。all of a sudden 突然。a long experience of 长期的体验 经历。another th...