
发布 2020-01-02 06:47:28 阅读 3331


重点单词。n.错过,过失;v. 看错,误解。


(1)make a mistake/make mistakes意为“犯错,出错”,若表示在某一方面出错,用介词in.

如:i often make mistakes in grammar.

(2)by mistake “错误地”


【1-1】--where is my pen? h**e you seen

---oh, sorry. i h**e takenby mistake.

a. it; yours b. them; his c. it; mine d. them; hers

【1-2】linda’s teacher was so mad at her because she made lots of m___in the test.

【1-3】i hope you will forgive me___opening your letter__mistake.

n. 困难;v. 麻烦。


名词。(1)h**e trouble (in) doing sth.“在做某事上有麻烦”

(2)ask for trouble“自找麻烦”

(3)get into trouble “陷入困境”

(4)be in trouble “处于困境中”

动词。trouble do sth “麻烦某人做某事”

【2-1】 a person with good manners never laughs at people when they are in t___

【2-2】i am sorry (trouble)you, but can you give me a hand?

conj. 如果不;除非。




(3)unless不能用于虚拟句中,在表示与某个客观事实相反的虚拟语气中,只能用if not

1-1】 (2011*烟台you h**e tried it on, you can’t imagine how pretty the new style skirt is.

a. because b. although d. when

【1-2】 (2011*青岛) you will achieve nothing _ you work hard.

a. if b. unless c. when d. that

【1-3】 the art club is for members only. you can’t go in __you are a member.

c. if d. though

【1-4】(2010·宁波)—may i surf the internet now?

—no, _you h**e finished doing the dishes.

a. if b. unless d. when

重点短语。1.be afraid to 害怕去做;不敢去做。


(1)be afraid to do sth. 与be afraid of doing sth.


但强调“动作”上的不敢用to do.

强调担心“发生的结果”用of doing.

(2)i’m afraid(that)…用来有礼貌地表达可能令人不快的消息。

(3)回答别人的提问时,可用省略形式i’m afraid so(not).


1-1】--are youthe dark?

--oh, yes. i always go to sleep with the light on.

to of in with

【1-2】the bus is coming. oh no! it’s full. i’mwe can’t get on.

a. sorry b. afraid c. happy d. worried

【1-3】--will you be free this saturday afternoon?

i’ll h**e to take part in the writing competition.

a. i am not afraid. am afraid not. c. i’m afraid so. so afraid.

with 处理;应付。

(1)deal with 意为“处理”,“对待;对付”。deal的过去式和过去分词都是dealt.

(2)deal with与do with都有“处理”的意思。deal with 与 how连用,do with与what连用。

【2-1】 -many students don’t know how tostress and become worried.

---i think they’d better ask their teachers for help.

with b. deal with c. quarrel with up with

【2-2】how are you going to deal with the computer? (改为同义句)

what are you going tothe computer?


重点句型。1.did you use to be……?你过去常常……吗?

【辨析】used to do sth ,get/be used to doing sth,be used for doing sth

(1)used to do sth 意思是“过去常常做某事”, to后接动词原形。

(2)get/be used doing sth 意为“习惯(做)某事” to后接名词、代词或动名词。

(3)be used to be sth/for doing sth 意为“被用来做某事”。

【1-1】(2011*苏州中考)i __keep dogs for protection, but now i keep them as pets.

a. would rather b. had better c. used to d. h**e to

【1-2】(2011*铜仁)bamboo can*****.

a. used to make b. be used make

c. be used to make d. be used to ******

【1-3】(2011*烟台)--how does jack usually go to school?

--heride a bike, but now hethere to lose weight.

a. used to, is used to walk b. was used to, is used to walking

c. was used to, is used to walk d. used to, is used to walking


重点句型。1.did you use to be……?你过去常常……吗?

【辨析】used to do sth ,get/be used to doing sth,be used for doing sth

(1)used to do sth 意思是“过去常常做某事”, to后接动词原形。

(2)get/be used doing sth 意为“习惯(做)某事” to后接名词、代词或动名词。

(3)be used to be sth/for doing sth 意为“被用来做某事”。

【1-1】(2011*苏州中考)i __keep dogs for protection, but now i keep them as pets.

a. would rather b. had better c. used to d. h**e to

【1-2】(2011*铜仁)bamboo can*****.

a. used to make b. be used make

c. be used to make d. be used to ******

【1-3】(2011*烟台)--how does jack usually go to school?

--heride a bike, but now hethere to lose weight.

a. used to, is used to walk b. was used to, is used to walking

c. was used to, is used to walk d. used to, is used to walking


重点单词。1. reply v.回答;答复。



(2)reply作不及物动词, “回答,答复”,与介词to搭配。

(2)reply 作名词,“回答,答复”




(3)reply不能直接加宾语,要加to,即reply to=answer.

【1-1】 the student __but didn’t __my question.

a. answered; replied b. replied; answer

c. answered; reply answer

【1-2】please reply __my letter as soon as possible.

b. for c. with

【1-3】he seldom __回复) to the e-mails his friends send him.

v.成功。【用法】succeed in (doing) sth. “成功地做某事”

【拓展】success n. 成功 successful adj.成功的 succdssfully adv.成功地。

【2-1】 选词填空 succeed/ success/successful

show was a great

2. the performance was

3. failure is the mother of

4. hein inviting some pop stars to the show.

【2-2】翻译句子他考试及格了吗?(pass the exam)


重点短语。along with 与……相处。


(1)get along with=get on with,意为“与……相处”,如果表达“相处得如何” (1)应在with前加well或badly等修饰词。

(2)get along/on with sb.和某人相处。

get along/on with sth.某事进展/进行。

【1-1】 if you get on well___your classmates, you’ll enjoy your school life more.

a. to b. at c. with d. in

【1-2】--it seems that my parents sometimes don’t understand me.

---talk with them more often and you’ll __them.

a. get on well with b. agree with c. come up with d. be angry with

2. get sth done 要别人做某事。

get /h**e sth. done 意为“让某人干某事”,get 或h**e 后面的宾语(sth.)和它后面的动词之间存在着被动关系,故该动词用过去分词形式。

【辨析】h**e sth. done/ h**e sb. do

① h**e sth. done 意为“让某人干某事”或“让某事被做”。h**e后面的宾语(sth.)和它后面的动词存在着被动关系,故该动词用过去分词形式。

② h**e sb. do 意为“让某人干某事”;h**e后面的宾语(sb.)和它后面的动词存在着主动关系,该动词用原形形式。



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