
发布 2020-01-01 11:38:28 阅读 4742


lesson 1 rock superstars

adulation, admiration

adulation: excessive admiration or praise, flattery 奉承。

he received adulations from many people. 他受到许多人的奉承。

admiration: feeling of respect, warm approval 钦佩,佩服。

she was filled with admiration for his courage. 她对他的勇气。

充满敬意。argue, debate

argue: give reasons for or against sth. esp. with the aim of

persuading sb. 争论。

the lawyers argued the case for hours. 律师们对这个案子。


debate: formally argue, esp. defend one’s position and attack

his opponent’s point of view 辩论。

the house of representatives debated the proposal for

three days. 众议院就这个提案辩论了三天。

arrogant, proud

arrogant: showing too much pride in oneself and too little

consideration for others 傲慢。

it’s arrogant of you to assume you’ll win every time. 你。


proud: feeling or showing just or reasonable pride 骄傲。

we are proud of our country. 我们为祖国感到骄傲。

conceive, imagine

conceive: form an idea, plan, etc. in the mind, often used in

the phrase “conceive of sth.” 想到。

the ancients conceived (of) the world as flat. 古人认为地球。

是扁的。imagine: form a mental ..image of sth. 想象。

can you imagine what it would be like to live without

electricity? 你能想象出生活中没有电会是一幅什么样的情景吗?

confuse, bewilder

confuse: make sb. unable to think or act clearly 使……糊涂。

they confused me by asking so many questions. 他们提了一。


bewilder: confuse, esp. by the presence of many different or

complicated things at the same time 因太复杂而。


i was totally bewildered by the clues to this crossword

puzzle. 这个纵横字谜的提示完全把我弄糊涂了。

ideal, idealistic

ideal: satisfying one’s idea of what is perfect, most suitable,unrealistic 理想的,不切实际的。

it is the ideal weather for a holiday. 这是度假的理想天气。

these are ideal plans for reform. 这些都是不切实际的改革计划。

idealistic: of idealism or of person who has high ideals 理想。


he is too idealistic as a politician. 作为政治家,他太理。

想主义了。mix, blend

mix: put together tow or more things to make sth. else 混合。

you mix flour and water to make paste. 你把面粉与水和在一。


blend: mix thoroughly 融合。

blend blue and yellow, and you’ll get green. 把蓝色和黄色。



词语辨析。lesson 1 rock superstars adulation,admiration adulation excessive admiration or praise,flattery 奉承。admiration feeling of respect,warm approval 钦佩...


v.都有争论,辩论的意思。暗示引证理由或证据来支持自己的观点,主张和看法 意思为正式辩论,通常指在对立的两派或持有对立看法的人们之间就某一公开的问题就行争论。2proud arrogant adj.都有 骄傲的 傲慢的 proud意为自尊的,自负的,指自己感觉比别人强,感到光荣或得意 arrogan...


former adj.从前的,前者的,前任的。n 模型,样板 起形成作用的人。preceding adj.在前的,前述的。v 在 之前 precede的ing形式 previous adj.以前的,早先的,过早的。adv.在先,在 以前。prior adj.先前的,较早的,在前的 优先的,占先的,较...