
发布 2020-01-01 11:32:28 阅读 5371


动物实验animal experiments

被绳之以法be brought to justice

动物权益保护主义animal rights activists

医学研究medical research

残忍的 cruel /merciless / inhuman / callous / brutal (


麻醉anaesthetic (bre,n)

减轻动物的痛苦alleviate / ease( animals’ pain

宠物是主人的伙伴pets are companions of their masters

给主人心理安慰afford their masters consolation and comfort(n)

偷猎poach (vi,vt) /poaching(n)

某一种事物是没有替代物的there are no replacements / substitutes / alternatives (单数去s) for sth


濒危动物endangered species

crime触犯法律 break / violate / flout / disobey the law

犯罪 commit a crime

罪行 offences (bre)/ crimes / criminal acts

罪犯 criminal / offender /

从犯 accomplice / accessory(n) /convicts(n)后者指帮助犯罪但为直接参与的人。

受害者 victim(n)

心理创伤 trauma(n)

憎恨社会 resent society / hold a grudge against society

囚犯 inmate / convicts(n)

牢房 cell

监禁(v) imprison / incarcerate ( someone

教育罪犯 educate / edify(vts) criminals

宽容的 lenient(adj)

改造罪犯 reform / rehabilitate criminals

执法部门 law enforcement agencies

重罪 heinous crimes / flagitious crime / felony(n)

轻罪 petty crime / misdemeanour(bre)

初犯的人 first-time offender

惯犯 hardened criminals / repeat criminals

遏制猖獗的犯罪 curb / halt / check(vts) the rampant(adj) crimes

再次犯罪(v) revert(vi) to crime

再次犯罪(n) recidivism

守法的公民 law-abiding citizens

遵守法律 abide by / comply with the law

无视…(v) disregard

给某人造成心理创伤 traumatise(vt) someone

抓捕 track dowm / hunt down / capture(vt)

有预谋的犯罪 premeditated crime

犯罪倾向(n) criminal tendency


1 生态系统 ecosystem / ecological system

某一地区所有植物的总称 the flora(n)

某一地区所有动物的总称 the fauna(n)

某一地区所有生物的总称 the wildlife in a region/the biota(flora+fauna) of a region

生物多样性 biodiversity(n)

生态平衡 ecological balance/ecological equilibrium(n)

2 可持续发展 sustainable development

环保主义者 environmentalist / conservationists

对环境无害的 environmentally-friendly(adj)

节约使用 conserve(vt)

保护 preserve

再利用 reuse / recycle

3 肥沃的土壤 fertile soil

贫瘠的土壤 infertile soil

耕地(n) arable land / farmland

增加农产品产量 boost crop yield

开采自然资源 exploit natural resources

4 短缺(n) shortage / scarcity / dearth / lack

5 消耗(某种资源) consume / deplete(vts)

用尽(某种资源) use up / exhaust(vts)

给资源造成很大压力 put a strain on the already stretched resources

破坏自然资源 wreak(vt) h**oc(n) on natural resources

臭氧层 ozone layer

砍伐森林 deforestation(n)

污染 pollute / contaminate(vts)

有毒的 poisonous / toxic(adjs)

污水 effluent / sewage

排放 discharge

温室效应 greenhouse effect / global warming

严重的 severe / gr**e / grievous(adjs)

白色污染产生的垃圾 non-biodegradable garbage / wastes that cannot decompose or breakdown/inorganic trash

恶化 deteriorate / aggr**ate前者为自身恶化,后者为被恶化。

6 可再生资源 renewable resources

不可再生资源 non-renewable resources(包括金属metals,矿产minerals,石油petroleum,天然气natural gas,煤coal,等后三种可总称为fossil fuels)

7 各国必须携手解决环境问题 countries on this planet must join forces/

makes a concerted effort / unite(vi) to combat / tackle / resolve / address(vts) environmental problems

谴责而不是纵容 condemn rather than condone(vts) sth

严厉的措施 harsh action / measures

增强公众关于。。。的意识 raise / elevate the public awareness of sth


1 旅游景点 tourist attractions / tourist spots / places of interest

开阔眼界 push back / expand one’s vision / horizons

游客与当地人的互动 tourists can interact with the locals

促进文化交流 promote cultural communication

吸引 draw / attract / appeal to (vts)/be a magnet for somebody

亲身体验(n) first-hand experience

多种感官体验的(如听觉,触觉等) multi-sensory(adj)

相互了解 mutual understanding

2 把游客和当地人隔离 seclude/isolate(vts) the tourist from the locals

商业化 commercialize / commodity(vts)

欺骗游客的手段 tourist traps

冲突 conflict (n,vi+with争端(n) discord / dissension

间接体验(如通过电视或互联网n) second-hand experience / vicarious experience

文化遗产 cultural heritage

互联网不会让旅游业过时 the internet will not render tourism obsolete

women & families

1 两性平等 gender equality

性别歧视 sexism / gender discrimination

一个开明的社会 a progressive / enlightened society

2 被家务事拖累 be tied down by household chores

生育孩子 child bearing(n)

抚养孩子 child rearing(n)

母性的本能 maternal instinct

家务 housework / household chores

抚养子女的方式 parenting

代沟 generation gap / disparity

性格冲突 personality clashes

3 老年人 elderly people / senior citizens

青少年 adolescents / youngsters

家庭成员间的情感纽带 family bonds / family ties

归属感 a sense of belonging

对。。。依恋(n) an attachment to sth / an affinity for sth

贫穷的家庭 deprived family

富裕的家庭 affluent families

家庭的培养 upbringing


托福写作140组必备词汇!收藏!2015 10 22沪江留学。在写作考试中,用词是很重要的一部分。不仅要避免使用很大众的词汇,还要避免使用过于的生僻词汇 太小众的连老师也不认识。哦,对了!还不能重复用词。学会使用不同的替换词是提高写作的一个小技巧。以下是的140组高大上词汇替换表,希望能帮到大家!1...

托福写作 必备单词初级 中级 高级

10.有益的 beneficial conducive instrumental 11.有害的 detrimental harmful virulent 12.有争议的 controversial disputable,contentious 13.普遍的 widespread prevalent,...


注 所有单词均为美式拼写。education capacity gift the potential capability education develop sense original incentive order regulation to to become accustomed to a...