
发布 2020-01-01 10:36:28 阅读 7167


i. 基本原因:

1) there are many reasons for …(后接名词或动名词)…的原因有很多。

2) why do people / so many students … the reasons are many / obvious. for one thing, …for the other.,

3) the reasons are as follows: 原因如下。

4) the answer to this problem involves many factors.这个问题的***括很多原因。

5) thanks to …多亏了(有)…

6) the… of the … is partly because…, partly because…

7) …not because…, but because…

8) …not come from…, but from…

9) that’s the reason why… 这就是为什么…的原因。

10) a number of factors, both individual and social, affect…一些个人和社会方面的因素,影响了…

ii. 另一原因:

1) one of the most important reasons (for…) is…

2) another important reason is…

3) …is also responsible for the … of …

4) of course, …is not the sole reason for… 当然,…并非…的唯一原因。

5) we may blame …,but the causes go far deeper.我们或许会批评…,但…的原因可以从更深层去寻找。

iii. 后果影响:

1) there are a number of effects.

2) the effect is evident. 其影响是显而易见的。

3) it will exert a profound influence on… 它会对…产生深刻的影响。

4) it le**es some serious consequences. 它会带来严重的后果。

5) it may give rise to / lead to / create a lot of problems. 造成许多问题。


i. 两者比较。

1) the advantage of (taking up a job immediately after graduation) far outweigh those of (continuing their studies.) 毕业后立即就业,其优点远远超过继续读书。

2) obviously, it has both negative effects and positive effects.既有消极影响也有积极影响(有缺点也有优点)

3) the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.优点多于缺点。

4) like anything else, it has its own faults.像任何其他事物一样,它也有自身的缺点。

5) nothing is more … than …没有…比…更…了。

ii. 两者相同。

1) the same is true of … 也是如此。

2) like … also… 正如…一样,…也…

3) …and … h**e many things in common. …和…有许多共同之处。

iii. 两者不同。

1) a…, while / whereas b… a…,而b则…

2) a and b differ in several ways a和b在许多方面都有不同。

3) but the same cannot be applied to…但我们不能说…也是如此。

4) in the past, …but now …

5) compared with …,seems more … 和…相比,…似乎显得更…


i. 直接驳斥。

1)although the popular belief is…, a study indicates…尽管人们普遍的想法是…,一项研究却表明…

2) most of us h**e been under an illusion that …我们中的大多数都曾有过一种错觉,就是…

3) it is true that …,but this is not to say …的确是…,但这并不是说…

4) some people suggest … but what these people fail to understand is … 一些人建议说…,但是这些人没能懂得…

5) at first thought, it may seem …,but on second thoughts, …乍一看,…似乎…,但仔细考虑一下,就…

ii. 批评分析。

1) the main problem with this view is … 这个观点的问题在于…

2) it is wrong to think…

3) it is ironic(荒谬的)that …

4) it is a good thing to … but is it also good to…? 的确是一件好事,但…也是一件好事吗?


i. 分析判断。

1) it is clear that…

2) fortunately / unfortunately it is often the case in our society that …幸运的是/不幸的是,在我们的社会里,事实上…

3) it is urgently necessary to note that … 注意…是至关重要的。

4) what surprises us most is that …最使我们惊讶的是…

5) there is no denying the fact that …不可否认的是…

6) the problem is that … 问题在于…

7) no wonder (that) …难怪…

8) we can …,but we may never … 我们能…,但我们却不能…

9) little is said about …人们很少提到…

10) little is done to stimulate the child to …人们很少做出努力去激励孩子去…

ii. 推理论说。

1) if this is the case, we may …如果情况真是这样的话,那我们可以…

2) if …,why can’t we …?如果…的话,那我们为什么不能…?

3) …would not be improved … unless … 除非…,否则…就不可能得到改善。

4) even a minor improvement can …即便是很小的改善也能…

5) even the smallest change can …即便是很小的改变也能…

6) it is almost impossible to … without … 没有…,去做…是不可能的。

7) you can’t … without…

8) no matter how …不管多么…

9) the more … the more …


i. 举例说明。

1)a good case in point is …一个很好的例子就是…

2) take, for example, a man who … 例如一个…的人。

3) suppose that … 假设…

4) just imagine what our society / life would be like if …想想看,要是…的话,我们的社会/生活会是什么样子。

ii. 事实证明。

1) no one can deny the fact that … 不可否认…

2) we must face the fact that … 我们必须面对这一事实,即…

3) there is strong evidence that … 这是…的强有力的证据。

4) personal experience teaches me that … 我个人的经历教给我…

5) one may not forget the old days when … 人们或许不会忘记那些过去的日子,那时…

iii. 数据引用。

1) as the table indicates, the … of … has increased / decreased by 20% in the past 5 years. 如**所示,在过去的五年中,…的…增长/下降了20%

2) compared with the … in 1998, the …dropped / rose almost twice. 与2024年的…相比,…下降/上升了两倍。

3) it is estimated that the … of chinese people has increased by 50% in the past 3 years.拒估计,在过去的三年中,中国人的…增长了50%

4) more than three quarters people preferred to do a rather than do b (prefer doing a to doing b) 超过四分之三的人喜欢做…胜过做…

5) after leveling off for 3 years, the rate now starts rising again. 在稳定了3年之后,…率现在开始回升了。


i. 承上阐述。

1) to illustrate this point, let us consider … 为了阐述这一点,让我们来考虑一下…

2) to understand the truth of …,it is important to see… 为了了解…的真实情况,很有必要去看…


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