各种题材的英语作文可套用的句子总汇 自己总结

发布 2019-12-31 05:01:28 阅读 5876

thanks for your letter.感谢你的来信。

i am glad to hear from you.很高兴收到你的来信。

3. i am looking forward to your early reply.我期待你的早日回复。

please write to me soon.请快点给我回信。


i wonder if you could give me some suggestions.我在想你是否可以给我一些建议。

i would be grateful if you could give me someadvice.如果你能给我一些建议我将万分感激。

here is some advice to help you.以下是可以帮你的一些建议。

here are some tips to help you.以下是可以帮你的一些小技巧。

you should +v…..you’d better +v…whydon’t you+v….

it’s a good idea to +v表建议的句型。

i hope the suggestions will help.我希望这些建议能够有所帮助。

邀请信:..,so i am writing to invite you to +v所以我写信邀请你来。。。

i would appreciate it if you could join us.如果你能加入我们,我会很感激。

i am sure you will h**e a good time with us.我确信你会很开心。


求职信:i am glad to hear that you want a few part-timereporters.很高兴听说你们需要。

i am quite interested in it.我对此很感兴趣。

i think i am fit for the job.我认为我很适合这份工作。

above all, i once worked as a reporter in ourschool.最重要的是,我曾经是我们学校的小记者。

so i am sure i can do the job well if i can getthe position.如果我能得到这个职位,我相信我能做好这份工作。

自我介绍:i am a senior high school student.我是一个高中生。

i am a lovely girl of 18 years old.我是一个18岁的可爱女生。

i am fond of playing basketball.我很喜欢打篮球。

i am easy to get along with others.我很容易与别人相处。

i am good at speaking english and french.我擅长英语和法语。

指路:i am writing to tell you how to get there.我写信告诉你怎样到那。

here is how you can find it.以下是你如何能找到我们。

first, go straight along the street.首先,沿着这条街道直走。

then, turn right at the second crossing.然后,在第二个路口右转。

across from the hospital is a bus stop.医院的对面是一个公交车站。

you will find the park on your left.你会发现公园就在你的左边。

you won’t miss it.你不会错过的。


it is important to +v做某事很重要。smoking isharmful to your health.吸烟有害健康。

doing exercise is beneficial to your health.运动有利于身体健康。


be required to被要求be supposed to应该。

be expected to被期待。

take an active part in, join in , attend参加。


first,….second,….then…. finally…. 表顺序的)

firstofall,….inaddition,….what’smore….,above all,….递进的连接词)

i think….in my opinion…as far as i cansee…..as for me….(表达个人观点的)




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