
发布 2019-12-31 04:59:28 阅读 4182


1)we very much regret that we are unable to supply whatyou require just now.


2)while we appreciate what you stated in your letterof...we regret that it is impossible for us to supply...for the time being.


3)we regret that we are unable to supply you with thesmall quantity yu require.


4)we h**e taken due note of your requirements for...but regret being unable to supply at present. we willcertainly fax you an offer as soon as there is stock**ailable.


1)many thanks for your letter of ..we enclosed ourcatalog no. .

and we h**e quoted our best terms in theattached price lists. we believe that our...will meet yourrequirements.


2)we h**e pleasure in attaching our current quotationfor your reference and, as we are able to offer promptdelivery, we look forward to receiving your cable order inthe near future.

3)at the suggestion of ..we h**e much pleasure insending you under separate cover our price lists...whichwe hope might possibly be of interest to you.


4)we enclose our latest price list no. .on arts andcrafts, for which there is regular demand on your market.



can we do a barter trade?咱们能不能做一笔易货 呢?is it still a direct barter trade?这还算是一种直接的易货 吗?if you agree to our proposal of a barter trade,we ll give you in...


接下来为大家整理了外贸英语常用语,希望对你有帮助哦!can we do a barter trade?咱们能不能做一笔易货 呢?is it still a direct barter trade?这还算是一种直接的易货 吗?if you agree to our proposal of a bart...


在外贸英语中,我们通常会忽略常用英语口语的学习和训练,认为只要把握住一些外贸英语常用句子就能万事大吉,下面小编就给大家整理了外贸英语,不会要好好努力了哦。外贸交货相关词汇。交货delivery 轮船steamship 缩写。装运 装船shipment 租船charter the chartered ...