精编 新版pep英语小升初作文

发布 2019-12-30 07:49:28 阅读 5922



1. 时态:主要考虑四种时态:一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时,一般将来时。要根据题意判断正确的时态。


2. 人称:主要有第一人称和第三人称。审题时根据题意用正确的人称写。

1) 如使用第三人称, 需注意三单在一般现在时的用法,动词后需加s或es。如:she likes playing ping-pong.

2) 写作过程中注意代词的格式。

如: he (主格) likes reading. i like him. (宾格)

this is his (形容词性物主代词) bike. that’s not your book,your(形容词性物主代词) feet are bigger than mine. (名词性物主代词)

复数形式:their english teacher is very funny. they often play football together.

3. 结构:使文章有条理的方法。

1) 使用时间词语衔接:如写过去时的作文:last sunday; last weekend; my holiday等。

2) 总起句和结尾句前后呼应。

4. 容易出错的句型:

1) be动词和行为动词: 同一个句子只能出现一种(现在进行时除外)

错误: i was went to the park last sunday. (把was去掉)

2) like + 动词ing形式。

i like going shopping. (注意like 后面紧跟的动词一定要加ing)

3) 三单句子: she goes to school on foot every day. 动词后加s(或es)!

4) there be句型there is a bird and two monkeys in the tree. (用there is 而不是there are

二、 范文。



my sunday

i h**e a busy sunday. in the morning, i often go the park with my family. sometimes we go fishing there.

in the afternoon, i often play badminton with my friends. then we go to the cinema. in the evening, i often read books and do my homework at home.

then i watch tv. sunday is fun!


my family

there are three people in my family. my father is a doctor. he goes to work by car.

he likes playing football. he is very kind. my mother is a teacher.

she goes to work by often reads books in the evening. i am a student. i like playing computer games and do sports with my friends.

i often go hiking with my parents on the weekend. i love my family very much.


dear amy,my name is sarah. i’m 13. i’m tall and thin.

i like swimming. my father is 40. he’s tall and strong.

he likes reading books. he is a police officer. he goes to work by car.

my mother is 39. she’s short and thin. she likes cooking.

she is a worker. she goes to work on foot.


2、 现在进行时:关键词:正在干什么(be doing )


i’m mike. i’m reading a is doing kung fu .sarah is watching tv.

zhang peng is playing football. amy is playing the pipa.

chen jie is dancing. wu yifan is singsing.

3、 一般过去时:关键词:上周末、上个假期活动(动词用过去式)

last weekend

i was busy last weekend. on saturday morning, i went to the park with my family. we went fishing there.

in the afternoon, i played badminton with my friends. it was funny! on sunday morning, i read books and did my homework at home.

in the afternoon, i went shopping with my mother. in the evening, i i watched tv. i was very happy last weekend.

last summer holiday

last summer holiday,my family and i went to a forest park. we went there by car. we ate fresh food.

we went swimming. we took pictures. we bought gifts.

we went camping. we had a good time.

4、一般将来时: 关键词:打算、计划(be going to +动词原形或 will + 动词原形)be going to=will

my sunday plan

i am going to h**e a busy sunday. in the morning, i am going to the park with my family. we will go fishing there.

in the afternoon, i am going to play badminton with my friends. then we will go to the cinema. in the evening, i am going to read books and do my homework at home.

then i will watch tv. it will be a funny day!

my summer holiday plan

summer holiday is coming. i am going to sanya with my family. we will go there by plane.

i am going to go swimming. we are going to eat fresh food . we are going to take pictures.

we are going to buy gifts. we will be happy


dear wang jun:

thank you for your invitation. i am going to the party、. i am going to sing a song.

i am going to do kung fu. i am going to dance. i will listen to music.

i will play games.

best wishes,zhang liang

5、同学们,你们即将毕业,现在的你和六年前的你是不是有了很大变化?比如:你的外貌、性格、爱好、喜欢的颜色、运动、能力等,对比过去与现在,请以then and now为题,介绍自己的变化

then and now

before i was short . i couldn’t ride my bike i am tall. i go cycling every day.

before i was quite . now i am active in class. i didn’t like reading books before.

now i read books every day . i didn’t like eating eggs before. now i often eat eggs.

i couldn’t play banminton before. now i play banminton every weekend.

6、以my summer holiday为题,写一写去年暑假做了什么(过去式)今年暑假将至,您又打算做什么(be going to do)注意时态。

my summer holiday

last summer holiday,my family and i went to a forest park. we went there by car. we ate fresh food.

we went swimming. we took pictures. we bought gifts.

we went camping. we had a good time.

this summer holiday is coming. i am going to sanya with my family. we will go there by plane.

i am going to (will)go swimming. we are going to(will) eat fresh food . we are going to take pictures.

we are going to buy gifts. we will be happy.

小升初优秀作文 感恩父亲精编

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