lookingatthemountainsofhomework,istoppedinthe hands of the pen, began to meditate, the so-calledcontemplation is just aimlessly.
school teachers to teach, missing parents in thehome,adayafterday,ibecamemachinery:school,class,school,homework."lifeistooshort!
"sincethefifthgrade, the pressure is big, the burden is he**y, children's lives. when i was young i alwaysask a mother: "mom, when can i grow up like a sister?
"mother always answer: "in a few years, you will growup." from then on, i grew up every day looking forwardto hurry up.
childhood like water running away, is the youngtimetotake over, iknow igrow up,buti did not feelit joy and excitement. because the pressure increase,operations on the rise, the worry is also growing, andfree entertainment in a little bit of time to reduce.
theclassroom,,especiallymakesmehardtoimaginethatnextyear' to let the time flow back, let me back to before,butthisisimpossible,inthefaceofrealityisrationalchoice,butilovefantasy,alsowanttofantasy,wanttoletyou***ntasiesintoreality,growth really headache and troubles, i don't want togrow up!
suddenly, mom a loud shout, i'm in a daze huanguotogod,inthehandsofthepeninmyhand,eyeshomeworknothingless,ah!hatehomework,then,istartedstudying again. the classmates!
do you like me?
i curse god, and hates the creator, for i had longenough high body is covered with fat, don't care whenyou were a child, grown up is heart.
is a dumpy, always bring me lots of trouble. themost let a person so is being bullied, but dummy eatrhizoma coptidis, h**e bitterness could not say, wheni was a child go out walking with his family relativesandfriends,atthesametimeofgetthereward,alwayslet a person to knead a fat face.
after school, the class of tall men always fightwiththeadvantageofhighcutbluffmethaniam,theyoften put my things in a place i can't reach, let meelongation hand, like the frog jump jump, but they inthe proud to see me. slowly grow up, always h**e a fewfriends,andtheywalktogether,,theirpressureiwasstuffyandhot,straight...stoutis, but who call me?
pudgyistoletapersontired,canshortareshort,fat is fat, how can you overcome? i had to look on thebright side: eat the same food, the somebody else islongnotfat,igoodtonutritionabsorptionfunction,because of short and he**y, centre of gr**ity is morestable,willnotsufferfromsittingwillbeoverturnedstool, others the giraffe so he can eat the le**es ofthetree,butcan'teatisenoughsmallgoatfenceholedrilling and the tender grass.
visible,inlong,short,directoralsohas,althoughstoutworrystill,buttheimportantthingishow to let oneself do not "squat" on the road of lifeis growth.
我的烦恼作文 精编版
我的烦恼作文范文六篇。我的烦恼就是我的考试成绩,如果考得不好,免不了被爸爸骂一通。这学期期中考试,我刚从学校里走出来,爸爸就来接我了。我心里在想,完了,今天又有好果子吃了。果然,一进家门爸爸就问 今天考了多少分?我把试卷递给爸爸,只见爸爸眼睛往分数上一瞟,大手往桌上一拍,说 你这个人啦,你要我怎么说...
我相信,在每个人的心底,都有许多烦恼,我也不例外,久而久之,它就会成为一种负担。以前,当我还是在低年级的时候,同学们团结互助 互相关爱 互相体贴,好似一对对亲姐妹一般。而现在,我们长大了,懂事了,进入中高年级后,同学们的友谊却再也不像以前那么亲密了,而是变得疏远了。大家知道,现在的社会,是以竞争为主...