now, more and more college students choose postgraduate examinations, no doubt, to take graduate exams to become a craze. there are several reasons for this.
on the one hand, the advantage reduced employment of university students, they graduated from college. demanding education, at the same time, they want to know more to enrich themselves, it will be easier to find the ideal job. i agree with their views, to a certain extent.
with the continuous development of our country, more and more college students looking for work, the competition is very fierce. we only h**e to do better than others, in order to win in the competition.
on the other hand, the arrival of the economic crisis. along with the arrival of the economic crisis, many companies declared bankrupt or closed down. therefore, the decrease in the demand for workers in the supply, which leads to a more intense competition in the job search.
they want to **oid the harsh reality, so they graduate exam.
in my opinion, we do not take the test graduate. we h**e many other methods. we must h**e faith, i think we should make ourselves stronger, develop their own capacity to learn to face, we must be ready to deal with every possible opportunity, because the opportunity for those who are ready.
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