
发布 2021-02-23 20:07:28 阅读 4829



my school life is very mon。

i get up at six o’clockevery morningfrom monday to friday。and the i would gorunning with my classmates,as our head teacher sayshealth is themost important thing。after running i h**e todo morning exercises on theplayground。

then i can h**ebreakfast。h**ing breakfast,i need to h**emorningreading。oh,i almost forget that all of thestudents h**e to do some cleaningbefore breakfast。

there ethe various classes。then noon es。h**inglunch,i willgo to sleep。

i often read twenty minutes before i fallasleep。i h**eclass in the afternoon。and i still h**eclasses at night。

it’s boring,right?buti h**e gotused to it and enjoy myself at school。

as a middle school student,my priority is study,which oupies most time and energy in my life。therefore,my life sometimes seems a little boring。however,it’snot that bad。

first,study brings me knowledge that willbe useful to all my life。learning new knowledge brings mea sense of achievement。in addition,i like staying withmy friends and classmates。

we h**e much fun in dailylife,which makes our life in school colorful。we playgames or do exercises in spare time。we share ourhappiness as well as support each other when we are upset。

all in all,life is beautiful,although we must spendmost time in study。and we should hold a positive attitudetowards life。




first,i think my life is healthy。i'm allowed to playputer games every day。so i could be relaxed myself。

then,i go to school on foot,beacuse it isn't far from my home。i am healthy。i also paly football after school。

finally,isleep eight hours every night。i get up early。i often h**ea quick breakfast,and take a shower。

in a word,i think it's necessary for us to keep in agood health。


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